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Tuto After Effect :animer vos effets au rythme de la musique by KBP. Use lighting effects to make photos sparkle. New tricks for vector portraits. Master Photoshop layer effects. How to Create Vector Polygonal Background Quickly Using Adobe Illustrator and Web Based Tool – Triangulator. Final Image Preview Polygonal Art Style became very popular over last year. It is often used in printing, designing T-shit, cell-phone backgrounds and websites. In our today's tutorial we will learn how to create quickly vector polygonal background with the help of web based tool and Adobe Illustrator.

You can download the source vector file for this tutorial Program: Triangulator, Adobe Illustrator CS - CS6;Difficulty: beginner; Estimated Completion Time: 15 minutes; I've recently written Illustrator tutorial devoted to the creation of polygonal style. Step 1 Before we begin, download Triangulator on the following link. Open this file in your browser. Step 2 Drag your selected photo into the "Drop your bitmap here" field. And now simply click on different places of your image with your cursor to create polygons.

You also have an opportunity to move the created mesh nodes. You also can divide created polygons in parts by simply clicking on them. Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7. Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop tutorial: Create a stunning photo montage. How to Create a Polygonal Vector Mosaic That Will Wow Any Crowd. In today’s tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a polygonal vector mosaic from raster images with the help of a free Triangulator web-based tool and Adobe Illustrator. To strengthen the visual affect, we’ll also create a reflection with the help of the Opacity Mask and a dropping shadow by using the radiant gradient and the Transparency panel. Let’s begin! Tutorial Details Program: Adobe Illustrator CS5 – CC, TriangulatorDifficulty: IntermediateTopics Covered: Polygonal mosaicEstimated Completion Time: 45 minutes Final Image Step 1 For this tutorial, we need a web-based tool, which is called Triangulator that lets us convert bitmap images to vector art.

Unzip the file, find the index.html file and open it in your browser. I recommend you to use Google Chrome for these purposes. Step 2 Now we need a raster image that we’ll convert into vector. Step 3 Drag your image to the drop zone as indicated in the picture below. Step 4 To create polygons, click on different places of our image. Step 5 Step 6. How to Create Vector Polygonal Background Quickly Using Adobe Illustrator and Web Based Tool – Triangulator. Create a Mixed Media Style Design In Photoshop. Create a Mixed Media Style Design In PhotoshopReviewed by Niranth M on Mar 26Rating: Preview of Final Results Create a Mixed Media Style Design In Photoshop Resources Step 1 Let’s create a blank document similar to these dimensions.

Step 2 A subtly textured background works well than a plain one. Step 3 Desaturate the texture (Ctrl+Shift+U). Step 4 Adjust the layer Opacity and blending to make it subtle. Step 5 We now need to create several shapes that will define the overall design and contain other graphic elements. Draw this shape using the Rectangle Tool. Step 6 Press Ctrl+T, rotate the shape by -45 degrees.

Step 7 Reposition the shape. Now construct the bottom side. Step 8 Create another circle outside the main circle. Step 10 We need to punch a hole in the circle. Select the inner circle, on the Options Panel click on “Exclude overlapping shape areas” button to punch hole in the circle. Step 11 We don’t need the whole circle but a portion of it.

Step 12 Cut hole in the circle. 35 tutoriels photoshop vintage pour la reproduction des anciens modèles et des styles rétro. La mode rétro ou les styles “vintage” sont très fréquents dans les tendances vestimentaires et les styles de décoration modernes. Les couleurs et les designs des années 80 ou 70 inspirent beaucoup de designers dans plusieurs domaines et connaissent parfois des grands succès. Le web et les designs des prints et des brochures n’ont pas échappé à cette tendance des styles “old fashion look“. Cet article présente une collection de 35 excellents tutoriels Photoshop pour réussir les styles vintages et vous aider à ramener une touche démodée et rétro dans vos designs et maquettes… Tutoriel de coloriage Ce tuto explique comment colorier une image noir et blanc pour lui donner une touche rétro.

Design Pop artistique Un ensemble de techniques pour produire ce modèle des 70′s. Poster style musical ‘grunge’ des années 80 Utilisation de quelques brushes et textures pour réaliser ce magnifique poster. Style vidéo vintage pour les films Donnez à vos photo l’effet des livres comiques des années 70 Cool Design. Stunning Lighting Effects In Photoshop – Free Tutorials | Technology Bell. Regardless of to what extent you’ve been working with Photoshop, it’s difficult to know everything. The potential outcomes are bottomless and individuals continually find better approaches to utilize old devices.

Case in point, even the most stunning light effects could be accomplished with a few fundamental brushes and channels without utilizing any alternate party plugins. With such a variety of free Photoshop tutorials out there, it might be a disgrace not to have the capacity to make some wonderful lighting effects! Yet individuals are sluggish and regularly require a bit “push”. That is the reason we need to impart these Powerful Photoshop Light Effect Tutorials to get you moving! 1. Light and Glow Effect In this Photoshop effect tutorial you will find out the making of numerous diverse light and shine effects in Photoshop. Light-and-Glow-Effect-in-Photoshop View The Tutorial 2.

Photoshop-Light-Streaks-Add-Light-Streaks-To-A-Photo View The Tutorial 3. View The Tutorial 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Transformer vos photos en dessins avec Photoshop en 5 minutes. Transformer vos photos en dessins avec Photoshop en 2 minutes chrono. Je vous propose de vous apprendre à dessiner avec Photoshop, même si vous ne savez pas dessiner. Retrouvez la vidéo en bas de l’article Objectifs de ce cours Photoshop Dans ce tutoriel j'aborde : Transformer une photo en négatif avec le mode de fusion "Densité couleur -" & la fonction "négatif"Dessaturer une photo avec un calque de réglage "Teinte/Saturation"Modifier les contrastes avec un calque de réglage "Niveau"Travailler avec un calque de "dodge" pour assombrir ou éclaircir des parties d'une photo comme dans le tutoriel pour améliorer les yeux des modèlesGommer des éléments de la photo avec les outils "tampon de duplication", "Outil correcteur localisé", "Pinceau" Exemples de photo retouchée avec les tutoriels Photoshop Ressources du cours Photoshop Aucune La vidéo du cours Photoshop Benoit est photographe professionnel et habite à Paris, en ile de France .

Son site de stage photo : 40 Dazzling Photoshop Abstract and Lighting Effects Tutorials. 10 More awesome Photoshop tutorials. - Album on Imgur. Digital tricks for 'hand-drawn' colour. How to Paint a Woman Portrait from Scratch. Lady Image Transformation to a Beautiful Artwork.