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Using the Canadian Collections

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Help for Researchers (Canada) Newspapers and comics. Native North American language materials. The British Library has significant holdings of older printed materials relevant to the study of the indigenous languages of North America (the continental United States, Canada and Greenland).

Native North American language materials

Recent estimates suggest that there are some 380 pre-20th century books and pamphlets which are entirely or largely in these languages. This figure includes early printed dictionaries and linguistic studies. The collections are dispersed throughout the Library. Scope of the holdings | Access | BibliographiesMaterials elsewhere in the British Library Se Qeo Yah. French-Canadian Collections. The British Library acquires extensively from the published output of French Canada.

French-Canadian Collections

Historical note Acquisition from this area began in 1764 (immediately after the printing press arrived in Quebec in the wake of the British conquest) but items obtained were very few in number and remained so until the 1850s when organised rather than sporadic acquisition became possible. From then onwards, progress was sustained, if somewhat restrained, until the early 1950s when greatly increased resources, the enormous growth and better bibliographic documentation of new French-Canadian publications as well as the steady development of an antiquarian market in French-Canadian imprints made possible the creation of the collections currently held by the British Library.

British Library Catalogue (Primo) EThOS (British Doctoral Thesis Database) Sound Archive Catalogue. Archival Sound Recordings. British Library Catalogue (Advanced Search) Manuscripts (Primo Catalogue) Catalogue of Photographs. Catalogue of Photographically Illustrated Books. Picturing Canada Collection at the British Library. Cancel Edit Delete Preview revert Text of the note (may include Wiki markup) Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem).

Picturing Canada Collection at the British Library

Please copy the text in the edit box below and insert it manually by editing this page. Upon submitting the note will be published multi-licensed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA-3.0 license and of the GFDL, versions 1.2, 1.3, or any later version. See our terms of use for more details. Add a note Draw a rectangle onto the image above (press the left mouse button, then drag and release). Save To modify annotations, your browser needs to have the XMLHttpRequest object. [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Adding image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Changing image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Removing image note]]$1. Americas Collections Blog. As a historian I get very excited about old letters, diaries, account books and inventories – but once in a while there are other ‘records’ that trump almost everything else.

Americas Collections Blog

I had one of those moments this week when I returned to George Washington’s Mount Vernon. Over the past six years I have been many times to Washington’s estate in Virginia (just south of Washington DC) – first to research my book Founding Gardeners and then to give talks about the book. By now I go there to see the changes in the gardens (of which there are many, such as the fabulous restoration of the Upper Garden) and to meet my friend Dean Norton who is the Director of Horticulture there. Dean always makes a huge effort to entertain me – for example, by taking me out on the Potomac in a boat or letting me drive around the estate with a gator [A John Deere utility vehicle, not a reptile - ed.]. Last Wednesday’s visit, however, was one of the most memorable. It took four days to take the giant down – with a crane. The Search for a Northwest Passage. Quebec 400 Online Gallery. In 2008 Quebec City celebrated the 400th anniversary of its foundation.

Quebec 400 Online Gallery

This web feature marks the occasion. Dr Dorian Hayes, curator of Canadian and Caribbean Collections at the British Library, has put together a selection of treasures illustrating the city's eventful history, drawn from the British Library's collections of maps, manuscripts and printed books. Chateau Frontenac (foreground), and the Image Mill, Quebec City, 2008, by Robert Lepage / Ex Machina (photograph reproduced by kind permission of Christie / Francis Vachon) Sheffield Scholarship: Canadian Slave Narratives. Other Canadian Collections. According to a Statistics Canada survey of Internet use in 2005, Canada is one of the world’s most “plugged-in” countries, with nearly 70% of adult Canadians using the Internet daily in 2005, most through high-speed web-connections.

Other Canadian Collections

As a consequence, the Canadian Internet environment is both wide-ranging and highly sophisticated. In keeping with the “transnational” nature of the internet, online connectivity and accessibility is generally just as highly valued among Canadians abroad as those back home. Library and Archives Canada. National Archives (Early Americas) 1.

National Archives (Early Americas)

Why use this guide? Use this guide to find out about records of the British administration in colonial North America (present day United States) and the West Indies. The records can tell you about: the earliest English settlements (rather than settlers) in North America Native Americans piracy the slave trade English conflicts with the Spanish and French This is not a guide to records relating to colonial settlers. For records relating to Canada, see our research guide on colonies and dependencies. 2. Parliamentary Business Parliament of Canada. Procedural Reference MaterialRules, guides and other reference materials about Senate and House of Commons procedure.

Parliamentary Business Parliament of Canada

Includes information for committee witnesses, practical guides on a number of subjects, and other useful procedural documents. Legislative Summaries and Research Papers Overviews of most government bills (Legislative Summaries) and topical research papers produced by expert staff from the Library of Parliament. Historical Debates of the Parliament of Canada The Library of Parliament, in collaboration with, is launching its Historical Debates of the Parliament of Canada digital portal. Department Publications Government of Canada.