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-cri de coeur-

26 may 2014

-cri de coeur-

My apologies dear fellow pearltree'ers but i'am going to use the most abresive and offensive language i have ever used:

Seeing 4 years* of hard daily work being crushed by a 'upgrade' is horryfing !

Seeing this simple fact being denied by a CMO like frocaboy again and again in the comments above is .... it's just is beyond my helliest imagination of evil !!

Seeing pt1 being discussed as to disappear into premium membership = fucking theft !!!

Who the hell in pearltrees management team lost faith in pt1? AXE THEM NOW !!!

Who the hell in pearltrees Pt2 development team designed this disgrace ? AXE THE WHOLE BLOODY TEAM NOW !!!

I won't bother to go into why pt2 is such a disaster because s243a & xiwi already did so abundantly. Repeating their arguments would only generate more LYING denials by frocaboy and that's more than i can endure to inflict upon his mortal Community Managers sOul. HENCE the only option of expressing my disgust is to banter pearltrees team around with the most abusive language i have ever used in my whole public life,

for which - again - i apologize to my readers.

* just a few