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Giuseppe Sicari - Dottore in Ingegneria Informatica. Demo Menu Collapsed Js : Free CSS Menu Maker. HTML5 Techniques - Ultimate Collection of Tutorials. As my experience we always close to the latest technologies as we have one step ahead on web development techniques as HTML5. HTML 5 is the advanced version of HTML. HTML 5 is giving new techniques and advanced features/structure in designing. These new features and tags makes designing very easy to create a web page. CSS3 and HTML 5 are capable of revolutionizing the way we design websites. Both include so many new features and functions that it can be hard to wrap your head around them at times.

HTML5 is giving web designers and developers new capabilities that were things of fantasy with previous versions of HTML. Web pages will now be more semantic with the use of structure specific tags. When saying about HTML5, developers mean the new semantic structural tags, API specs like canvas or offline storage, new inline semantic tags, etc. How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App You’ve been depressed for like a year now, I know.

A Marriage Made in Heaven? When can I use… Can we use HTML5 today? Css3. Oggi impareremo a creare animazioni su oggetti utilizzando solo i CSS3, in particolare vedremo i tag Transition, Transform e Animation. Come sappiamo i CSS3 hanno portato numerose novità in mano ai web designer, come effettuare animazioni su oggetti, cerchiamo di padroneggiare le basi per animare oggetti in una pagina web. Ricordo che i CSS3 sono ancora in fase di definizione e non sono ancora raccomandati dal W3C, non tutti i browser sono compatibili con queste... Leggi il seguito »