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The Political Bouillon. The war in Libya never happened.

The Political Bouillon

At least that is what one might think, considering the dearth of serious analysis and critical reflection in Canada since our participation in NATO’s bombardment campaign ended a year ago. Yet in Libya, in many ways the war is still happening. If we (we as in all the federal political parties) thought we could bomb a country into democracy and respect for human rights, we were worse than just naïve. We were guilty of hiding our motivations, and guilty of ignoring the consequences of our actions.

How the war was sold to the public needs to be revisited lest we treat war as merely a temporary spectacle of no consequence. The problem is that none of that was true. This was instead a series of “incubator baby” stories on steroids: exaggerate and repeat such fabrications often enough and some of it might seep into public “consciousness” as if it were fact. On numerous occasions, NATO refused to protect innocent civilians and knowingly let them die. NATO bombs the Great Man-Made River.

The Great Man-Made River It is a war crime to attack essential civilian infrastructure. 95% of Libya is desert and 70% of Libyans depend on water which is piped in from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System under the southern desert.

NATO bombs the Great Man-Made River

The water pipe infrastructure is probably the most essential civilian infrastructure in Libya. Key to its continued function, particularly in time of war, is the Brega pipe factory which enables leaks and breaks in the system to be repaired. NATO has admitted that its jets attacked the pipe factory on 22 July, claiming in justification that it was used as a military storage facility and rockets were launched from there. The Great Man-Made River Libyans like to call the Great Man-Made River “The eighth wonder of the world”. In August 1984, Muammar Al Qadhafi laid the foundation stone for the pipe production plant at Brega. “The water changed lives. Engineer and project manager Abdelmajid Gahoud told foreign journalists in Tripoli: A Country Formerly Known as Libya. Benghazi Attack. Libya’s Green Resistance Did It… And NATO Powers Are Covering Up. The NATO powers and the bureaucrats they installed in Libya want you to think that all 5.6 million Libyans are happy that NATO and its proxy terrorists destroyed Libya, a country which under Gaddafi had the highest standard of living in Africa.

Benghazi Attack. Libya’s Green Resistance Did It… And NATO Powers Are Covering Up

They want you to think that NATO brought “freedom and democracy” to Libya, not chaos and death. They want you to think that there is no Green Resistance to the NATO imperialists or NATO’s Islamist allies in Benghazi. In reality, the Resistance has been increasingly active since shortly after the murder of Muammar Gaddafi in October 2011, as will be shown below. They strike any NATO target they can, and they execute key Libyans who betrayed Gaddafi and sided with NATO. The Benghazi incident was merely their latest blow against what they see as NATO’s illegal occupation of their country. Everyone in Libya knows about the Green Resistance, whose members are called “Tahloob” (Arabic for “Gaddafi loyalists”). US Congressmen say “Al Qaeda did it”. Benghazi Scandal Exposes Obama's Secret Wars and More! Al Qaeda Plants Its Flag In Libya. The illuminati Exposed By Muammar Gaddafi.

Putin: Who gave NATO right to kill Gaddafi? NATO Committing War Crimes In Libya - Ex US Congresswoman And Presidential Candidate. THE WORLD must know US & UK is behind Al Qaeda & FSA in Syria - so they wont get away w/it this time. Libya civil war: Egg on Hillary Clinton's face. Extradition to NATO's Libya - Extradition to Medieval Endless Torture That Evil Clinton & Co Created. Lawless Land - Libya.