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6 True Stories That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity. Fun fact: If people were actually as bad as we say they are, civilization could not exist.

6 True Stories That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

So while the headlines are dominated by our weekly mass shootings, the reality is that day to day, we common folk make little sacrifices for each other and let insults slide and feel bad when we act like douchebags. Once the riot is over, cops and rioters will both stand and make small talk in the same line at Burger King. Via Chicago Tribune"If anyone disagrees with this place having the best chicken nuggets, I will change your mind with pepper spray. " Batman pulled over in Silver Spring. Posted at 04:08 PM ET, 03/23/2012 Mar 23, 2012 08:08 PM EDT TheWashingtonPost Today in Maryland traffic news: While motorists were rolling around in the money that fluttered out of an armored car on Interstate 270, Montgomery County Police tweeted that Batman himself was pulled over while driving his Lamborghini in Silver Spring.

Batman pulled over in Silver Spring

Casual Friday! Update: The Caped Crusader was actually pulled over Wednesday. Who is the Route 29 Batman? This guy. View Photo Gallery: Meet the Route 29 Batman.

Who is the Route 29 Batman? This guy.

Police pulled a man over on Route 29 in Silver Spring last week because of a problem with his plates. This would not ordinarily make international news, but the car was a black Lamborghini, the license plate was the Batman symbol, and the driver was Batman, dressed head-to-toe in full superhero regalia. It didn’t take long before images of the Dark Knight’s encounter with law enforcement began turning up in Facebook news feeds, on CNN and the London tabloids.