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iPhone Game Programming | BurgZerg Arcade. Unity3d iPhone | BurgZerg Arcade. Game Development for iPhone/iPad Unity iPhone at a Glance. Jamie McCarter's Blog - Optimising with Unity for iOS. The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. I’ve found it’s often the unexpected that takes time. Cuban customs agents, downloading in Canada, and bureaucracy in Norway.

And so it has been with optimising my game for the iPad. Use StrictUse #pragma strict at the top of all your scripts. Avoid Object.Instantiate() & Object.Destroy()Instantiating is bad. Cache Component LookupsThis is an optimisation recommended by Unity on their optimising scripts page, and I whole heartedly agree. Use iTween SparinglyI hadn’t used iTween until midway through production, then after some positive encouragement I gave it a try. A call to iTween typically happens midway through a game. Avoid SetActiveRecursively()My SpawnManager class used to execute gameObject.SetActiveRecursively(true) on any node that was being spawned. Game Development for iPhone/iPad Using Unity iPhone Tutorials and Online Training Videos.

The creation process of 3D games has come a long way over the last decade. Not only is it more accessible but it has also become easier. With devices like the iPod Touch and iPhone, thousands of companies have jumped into the games industry. Meanwhile, Apple keeps releasing new devices like the iPad, clearly showing there is enough gold for the rush. This VTC course takes users through the creation of 3D games for Apple devices using Unity iPhone.

Introduction Introduction / Welcome Becoming an Apple Developer Installing Unity iPhone Installing Unity Remote Unity iPhone at a Glance Reviewing the Interface Scene View Game View Hierarchy and Project Panes Inspector Running the Game Other Demo Games Control Setups Introduction to Control Setups Controls - First Person pt. 1 Controls - First Person pt. 2 Controls - Relative and SideScroll Controls - TapControl Sign up to access the full library of online tutorials Game Development for iPhone/iPad Using Unity iPhone Tutorials on CD iPhone & Shaders. Développer des applications pour iPhone, iPad et iPod Touch. Créer ses propres applications pour iPhone, iPad ou iPod Touch : un rêve pour beaucoup d'entre nous ! Certains disent que l'univers Apple est fermé, d'autres que les langages de programmation pour Apple sont difficiles à apprendre.

Mais qu'en est-il vraiment ? En ce qui me concerne, je pense que si vous avez un peu de volonté, de temps et des idées plein la tête, vous pouvez faire des merveilles sur les périphériques portables Apple. Avec ce tutoriel, je vais vous faire découvrir l'univers merveilleux de la programmation iOS, c'est-à-dire de la programmation d'applications pour iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad, toutes versions confondues. Peu importe que vous soyez de parfaits débutants en programmation ; si tel est le cas, il vous faudra juste un peu plus de temps pour assimiler et mettre en pratique tout ce qui sera dit dans ce tutoriel. Pour cela, vous allez devoir apprendre à utiliser : Si vous êtes prêts à me rejoindre dans cette aventure, j'en serais ravi.

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