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Ecotourism Project Ideas | Eco Travel Logue. By Roger | May 29th, 2008 What is an Ecotourism Project? The intention of an ecotourism project is to conserve and protect a specific habitat through research, education and tourist interaction. Each project is different. Some work solely in animal conservation, ensuring populations are protected – mainly from human interference – while others involve working with local communities to help them either prolong or return to a symbiotic relationship with their surroundings and the species they share it with. Other projects are a collaboration of groups or businesses within the travel trade who strongly believe in the principles of ecotourism and want to encourage responsible or sustainable breaks in their area. They frown upon greenwashing tactics used by many businesses professing to be eco-friendly and are genuine in the approach to ecotourism.

Read on for various Ecotourism Project Ideas Are Ecotourism Projects Expensive? Ecotourism Project Ideas >>> More about Ecotourism Projects. GEN. Ecotourism. The Cedars in Lebanon Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving visiting fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed natural areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale alternative to standard commercial (mass) tourism. Its purpose may be to educate the traveler, to provide funds for ecological conservation, to directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local communities, or to foster respect for different cultures and for human rights. Since the 1980s ecotourism has been considered a critical endeavor by environmentalists, so that future generations may experience destinations relatively untouched by human intervention.[1] Several university programs use this description as the working definition of ecotourism.[2] Generally, ecotourism deals with living parts of the natural environments.[3] Ecotourism focuses on socially responsible travel, personal growth, and environmental sustainability.

Criteria[edit] [7][8] such as: History[edit] Criticism[edit] Ecotourism in Quintana Roo/ Exploring Mexico Home | Mexico | YUCATAN | Mundo Maya | Mexico News Sources | Mexico Books | Mexico Ecotourism Network | Reality or Rhetoric Contents: Index | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Conclusion and Bibliography "Ecotourism contains a working paradox, eventually its operation destroys the very system that keeps it alive, unless careful measures are taken to protect it" [Barkin, D., 1996. I Colloquial Internacional sobre ecoturismo, Quintana Roo]. 2.1. The Emergence of Ecotourism. As a reaction to the devastating effects of conventional mass tourism and a growing environmental awareness, ecotourism now represents the fastest growing subsector of the tourism industry, generating billions of dollars annually.

Whilst the term ecotourism is new, the concept itself dates further back. 2.2 What is Ecotourism? Ecotourism means different things to the different groups involved in the relationship between tourism and the environment. 2.3. 2.4 Objectives for Ecotourists 2.5. Not. Greenfieldgeography - IGCSE and GCSE Tourism. Specification:3.3 Leisure activities and tourism Candidates should be able to: • Describe and explain the growth of leisure facilities and tourism in relation to the main attractions of the physical and human landscape in an area or areas selected for study. • Demonstrate an understanding that the effects of a growth in tourism are generally positive and that careful management is needed if problems are to be avoided.

Reference could be made to advantages accruing from tourism such as growth in income, an increase in foreign exchange, employment opportunities, the development of infrastructure and facilities which may be used by the local population, the encouragement of other developments to take place in an area, cultural advantages, etc. Disadvantages might include seasonal unemployment, under-use of facilities at certain times of the year, increased congestion, pollution, a shortage of services e.g. water supplies, social/cultural problems, damage to the physical landscape, etc. Greenfieldgeography - Case study of ecotourism. Ecotourism: Ecotourism is responsible travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that strive to be low impact and (often) small scale (as an alternative to mass tourism).Sustainable tourism: Sustainable tourism is tourism attempting to make a low impact on the environment and local culture, while helping to generate future employment for local people.

The aim of sustainable tourism is to ensure that development brings a positive experience for local people, tourism companies and the tourists themselves. Sustainable tourism is not the same as ecotourism.Carrying capacity: The maximum number of people that may visit a tourist destination at the same time, without causing destruction of the physical, economic, socio-cultural environment and an unacceptable decrease in the quality of visitors' satisfaction.The IB splits carrying capacity into environmental carrying capacity and perceptual carrying capacity. Ecotourism Case Study - Costa Rica - Monteverde Cloud Forest. Ecotourism as a Concept for Sustainability | Interactive Jungle. The word ecotourism is the most over-used in the travel and leisure industry and perhaps commonly mis-used by many. It simply means travelling responsibly to fragile and protected natural areas with the purpose of conserving the environment as well improving the local people’s welfare.

The purpose of ecotourism is to give education to travelers on low impact travel, providing economic incentives for the conservation of the ecology, benefiting and empowering local community economically and politically, fostering respect to different cultures. Ecotourism is sustainable tool being used by environmentalists around the world for the conservation of the environment for the future generations. So every time you are having a trip in a jungle always ask yourself if that trip will generate positive impacts or negative impacts to either environment or local people. Related External Links The Ambler | Square Trees and Painted Rocks in El Valle de Anton … Like this: Like Loading... The International Ecotourism Society | Uniting Conservation, Communities, and Sustainable Travel.

Case Studies Of Ecotourism. There is considerable acrimony among proponents of mass tourism and those of ecotourism concerning various factors including travel safety as well as security and even global or regional schisms are developing. There are indeed many factors such as the rich vs. poor, developed vs. developing, economic vs. cultural values and of course terrorist vs. tourist that needs to be considered. The question is whether we will choose one side or is integration possible. Tourism is it mass tourism or ecotourism is certainly a vehicle that promotes better learning about different peoples and their cultures. Making An Informed Decision Nevertheless, there are certain differences between mass tourism and eco-tourism and we need to explore these to arrive at an informed decision about which one is better and also to learn how to improve both forms of tourism.

Sustainable tourism case study. The Galapagos Islands – A case study of Ecotourism The Galapagos Islands are a small chain of islands found 1,000km from the West coast of South America. They are Ecuadorian, and are home to an incredible array of animals and plants. The Galapagos Islands are most famous because many of the plants and animals found there are not found anywhere else in the world. This is because the islands are isolated or cut off from the rest of the World’s land mass by the Pacific Ocean, allowing the plants and animals to EVOLVE in their own way for hundreds of thousands of years. This was noted by Charles Darwin, and spurred him on to form his famous theory of evolution. The Galapagos Islands represent a place in the world were ECOTOURISM takes place.

Tourists visit under strict rules They can only visit on small ships of 10 to 16 tourists, most of which are owned by local people The tourists can only visit a limited number of places on the Islands, thus protecting the rest of the Islands. Ecotourism on the Web. What is Ecotourism? | Eco Travel Logue. Although a relatively new travel concept in the mainstream, ecotourism is much older than you’d think. The flower power hippies of the 1960s and ‘70s were eager environmental tourists keen to preserve the natural habitats of places they visited. Existing lodges in Central America are evidence of that and some like Rancho La Puerta on the Mexico and US border predate them by a few decades.

It wasn’t until 1983 that Hector Ceballos-Lascurain, a Mexican architect, environmentalist and tourism consultant, first coined the phrase ‘ecotourism’. Since then, almost every country in the world has made efforts to cater towards the growing number of travellers looking for something more than kitsch souvenirs and a tan. Definition of Ecotourism Over the years, the definition of ecotourism has changed and evolved as travellers have become more aware of the impact of their travels on both the environment and communities, yet it remains difficult to define because of the various facets involved.