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Simon Staffans

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One Year in the world of Transmedia and Multiplatform Storytelling « Simon Staffans // Transmedia Development. Following up on my curation of my blog from last year – “One Year In Transmedia” – I today published “One Year In Now Media”. It’s a curation of this blog, with a number of articles divided into subsections according to topic. It’s available for free on Slideshare on a Creative Commons license. I’m very grateful towards all the people that took time out from their hectic schedules to answer a few questions of mine - Brian Clark, Christy Dena, Jeff Gomez, Ian Ginn, Andrea Phillips, Robert Pratten, Inga Von Staden, Nuno Bernardo, Michael Monello, Chantal Rickards, Steve Stokes, Yomi Ayeni, Scott Walker, Lance Weiler, Liz Rosenthal and Nick DeMartino.

Brilliant people, all in their own ways. Thank you. I’m hoping to be able to release a version 2.0 of this release, including some unique content that looks at multiplatform storytelling, traditional media like television and the challenges and possibilities ahead and how to confront them and make use of the in the best possible way. Transmedia Storytelling Around the World: Simon Staffans. Simon Staffans is a designer for cross- and transmedia projects with more than 20 years of experience in the media industry becoming a format developer in 2005 at MediaCityFinland.

Their first format, a cross media childrens language learning game show in space, called “The Space Trainees“, was nominated for an Emmy in 2010 and won an International E-Learning Award the same year. He speaks at conferences, for example at MIPTV last week, blogs about transmedia storytelling on Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (yeah, I can say this word really fluent now!) , and curates the most interesting stuff in ebooks and on his scoopit account. And that’s exactly the way I got to know Simon. Simon, why transmedia? It simply makes sense. What’s driving the sudden activity and buzz around “transmedia”? Well, it has been a buzzword for some time now, and one that people have bandied about without much thought to what it actually means. Simon Staffans, MediaCity Finland What’s coming next? Simon Staffans: Transmedia audiences are co-creators, not just spectators. November 10, 2011 Transmedia experts hailed the era of "Communal Storytelling" at Storyworld recently.

Here are Staffans' takeaways By Simon Staffans Photo: Mad Men’s fan-made Twitter accounts are a prime example of user-generated transmedia “The Age of Broadcasting is slowly coming to and end. There was a congregation of storytellers, lawyers, researchers, publishers, designers, marketers and producers in the sunny city of San Francisco over Hallowe’en for the Storyworld Conference and Expo (SWC11).

The talks and the sessions were many and varied, looking at transmedia from the angle of constructing storyworlds, of developing narrative structures and designs, of getting the money to produce transmedia, of managing communities and creating characters and much more. Looking at the transmedia talks going on and putting them into the context of the world of television and formats, some things stand out clearly. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

AROUND THE TRANSMEDIA WORLD [SIMON STAFFANS] - laurentguerin's posterous. Simon Staffans (@simon_staffans) sur Twitter. TV connectée : « penser aux 90% qui n’interagissent pas » The Mill Sessions | Etusivu. The Space Trainees Trailer. EVOLVING EXPERIENCES.