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[in]visible Belfast

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The Water Clock. Events have unfolded, time has passed, there is much to see and hear. Events seen from different viewpoints give different meanings, things repeated are never the same. There is always difference and repetition. New events are unfolding soon, everything has a sequence, but for some the sequence in not the same. You have submitted your tasks, you have created new, and digital historical documents, new photographs of places within the visible labyrinth. These can be viewed and shared on pages old, travel to photography to view contributions. ...But for now there are pressing matters, timers run and events are coming. View topic - [in]Visible Belfast. Apologies if this is in the completely wrong section but I am new to these boards.just thought I'd share information on a new arg due to start on the 12th.: "while searching the stacks in the Linen Hall Library, a shy astronomy student stumbles upon a book filled with cryptic clues.

Inside, she finds a note addressing her by name. Dear Ana, it reads, in the pleiad, find the multitude; in the city, the universe. Hoping the note has some connection with her father's recent suicide, Ana takes the book home to study more closely. In May, you may join Ana's mystery, an experience orchestrated by an anonymous author, that will take you on a circuitous path, through spaces, virtual and real. Register your details below and await your signal on 12th May, 12:00pm GMT. Good luck to you. " looks pretty cool.seems to be clues already in the teaser video so i'm starting on it now but don't want to be working on it myself just. any thoughts?

Mobile. [in]visible belfast l’ARG qui mélange littérature et jeu. Mai 10, 2011 Alléluia l’ARG européen se met en place. Voici [in]visible Belfast qui sera suivit par Sortane, suivit de …. Espérons que ces mises en ligne de projets ne soit pas qu’un feu de paille et correspond à une tendance (lourde:) ). A nous de l’encourager en participant à ces ARGs… Ana est une étudiante tranquille en astronomie arrivée récemment du Canada. Voici le contenu de la note : Chère Ana, tu scannes ces pages comme si elles étaient des pages écrites. Bonne chance à toi. Espérant que la note a des connections avec le récent suicide de son père, Ana amène le livre chez elle pour l’étudier tout à loisir.

Voici , le jeu de réalité alternée issue du petit monde de Ciaran Carson, qui assemble des pièces de plusieurs travaux en un résultat à plusieurs facettes. Est une partie du Festival du livre de Belfast de cette année qui a lieu en juin. L’histoire de suit celle du monde de Ciaran Carson, une histoire spatiale et imaginative de Belfast. News Notes à propos des créateurs. [in]visible belfast.