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Maths vs arts

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Escher. Histoire des arts -repères chronologiques- 1985Tony de Peltrie des québécois Philippe Bergeron, Daniel Langlois, Pierre Lachapelle et Pierre Robidoux. 1986Luxo Junior de John Lasseter qui deviendra l'emblème du Studio Pixar. 1990Panspermia, Karl Sims, animation fondée sur des algorithmes de vie artificielle.

histoire des arts -repères chronologiques-

Fractales. Maths et art. Maths et arts: quels rapports? -description activités- Maths et art -activités- (anglais) 3-26 Tues: Introduction to course, introduction to instructors and T.A., requirements (including discussion of final project), materials list, slide presentation, questionnaire.

maths et art -activités- (anglais)

Short slide presentation, Discussion of symmetry, computation and labeling of symmetries of various mandalas, comparison of examples, triangle exercise, composition of symmetries, multiplication tables. Indian altars, c. 600 A.D. 3-27 Wed x-hour:3-28 Thurs: Mandala, radial symmetry, character of circle, center and direction, negative and positive space, movement, shape, value. Gray scales. 4-2 Tues: When two different mandalas have the same symmetry, conjectures about properties common to all sets of symmetries, checking conjectures, listing of commonalities, symmetry breaking. 4-3 Wed x-hour: Critiques 4-4 Thurs: Slides and discussion of color theory. Expo -l'art plastique à l'art mathématique-

Dossier_aide_analyse_et_visite. L'histoire des arts en maths. Mathematique_Architecture.