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Things your Guidance Counselor Maybe Didn't Drill into You. I got the exciting news today that the son of my wife's daughter (which modulo the complications of 2nd marriages would make him my Grandson) has been accepted to the University of West Florida.

Things your Guidance Counselor Maybe Didn't Drill into You.

He lives in Florida and I'm up north on Long Island (New York), so I confess to not having ever met the young man nor even knowing about the University of West Florida. But, as usual, Google is my friend when it comes to learning about places not familiar to me. Having now read a bit about the school, I whole-heartedly endorse his choice of college. Wikipedia had nice things to say about the place and it even fared well in the US News tabulation of colleges. But not actually knowing the plans of the gonna-be Freshman, I've got a few things to pass along to him as guidance. First Things First College is an important time when many things are going to be going on in your life.

Note that I said completing your degree is your top priority. But wait! School Supplies Dorm or commuter student. Smart habits for college freshmen. College Student Time Management - 8 College Student Time Management Skills. Time Management Tips. Good time management skills can help students increase their grades and improve their overall school work performance.

Time Management Tips

By learning to complete assignments on time every time, students will have a better classroom experience. Discover which tips are right for you. 1. Use a Task Diary Do you find yourself rushing to complete your homework assignment at the last moment? 2. "The assignment is due when? We've all been there at some point. That is why organizational skills are so important to school performance. How to Use a Student Planner - Using a Day Planner. "The assignment is due when?

How to Use a Student Planner - Using a Day Planner

Tomorrow? " We've all been there at some point. Somehow, that assignment due date just slipped right up on us without our noticing. That is why organizational skills are so important to school performance. Who can afford to score a big fat "0" on a paper, just because we got lazy and didn't pay attention to the due date? Poor organization skills can reduce your final scores by a whole letter grade. Tips for Using a Planner Pick the right planner. Create a Study Space. Create a study space that helps you make the most of the time you have to study.

Create a Study Space

Adult students don't always have the luxury of a desk. Create your study space wherever it makes the most sense, and equip it with the things you need to facilitate learning. Maybe reading in a window seat helps you remember more, or in a porch swing. Do you need total silence? Or do you prefer a noisy cafe? Certainly, learning and studying can happen anywhere, but when you have options, exercise them in your favor. And before you go too crazy creating a space just for studying, consider what Benedict Carey discovered when he wrote about research for The New York Times on Sept. 6, 2010 in "Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits. " Tweak Your Environment to Optimize Your Productivity. Study Space - Create a Study Place - How to Establish a Good Study Space.

Your study space is critical to your ability to study effectively.

Study Space - Create a Study Place - How to Establish a Good Study Space

After all, if you can’t concentrate, you certainly can’t expect to learn very well. This does not necessarily mean that you have to find a place that's completely silent and set it up as your study area, but it does mean you should find someplace to study that fits your specific personality and learning style. Your Study Space Needs Students are different. Some do need a completely quiet room free from interruptions when they study, but others actually study better listening to quiet music in the background or taking several breaks. Take the time to assess your real needs and plan for the perfect study place. You will study most effectively if you make your study time special, like a ceremony. It might sound crazy, but it works. Evaluate your personality and preferences. 'Ridiculously Automated' Dorm Room Draws Official School Inquiry. Derek Low is just your ordinary college freshman who turned his Berkeley dorm room into a futuristic smart home with automatic window shades, voice-activated lights and preset college scenarios such "emergency party button.

'Ridiculously Automated' Dorm Room Draws Official School Inquiry

" His video demo of the room has stirred up a frenzy of online media attention — and earned him a notice from resident hall officials to appear at a judicial hearing. Low began imagining his "Berkeley Ridiculously Automated Dorm" (BRAD) after stumbling across a similar idea online several years ago. Putting his plan into action required some tolerant roommates, a few weeks of patience and about $200 to $300 worth of off-the-shelf equipment. Once finished, he posted the project's details and a video showing the spectacular results online. "Most of BRAD was simply easy and straightforward, as long as you're resourceful," Low said. 18 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Was 18.