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Technology Evaluation

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Goodbye SAMR, Hello RATL! | IGNITEducation. In the realm of technology integration models, it appears that SAMR is king. While being the most widely recognized model, SAMR is not the only one out there. It is easy for a tech integrationist to ride the SAMR train to seem in touch with the pulse of the ed tech world. But is SAMR really the best model for you and your district? The concept of SAMR is difficult to argue; push teachers to use technology in transformative ways in their classroom.

I hope that all schools adopt a theoretical model that promotes excellent tech integration. I understand that Puenteduras’ goal was for every teacher to push toward re-definitive technology integration. One four point model has been proven in countless studies to be effective in the classroom. Take note that the TARGET resides at level three, giving room for the student to excel. It is because of these flaws that I lean toward the RAT model proposed by Dr.

So what about that great 4 point Marzano rubric? - 11 Criteria For Evaluating a School’s Education Technology. 0 Comments October 29, 2014 By: Terry Freedman Oct 26 Written by: 10/26/2014 1:38 PM ShareThis Whether you are moving to a new school, or staying where you are, it’s good to stand back and try to gauge what the school’s education technology is like. Why you would want to do that if taking up a new post is obvious: you want to see how the land lies so that you can start to identify any improvements that could be made. How educational is your technology, and how exciting is it? But why would you want to do that if you’re already well-established in a school? The following criteria are not inspection criteria or anything like that. Is education technology being used a lot by pupils in a wide range of lessons? If you found this article useful, do check out a longer, and earlier, version of the same sort of thing: 31 Days to Become a Better Ed Tech Leader -- Day 1: Carry Out a SWOT Analysis.