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[1.1] Response to JacobSpinney - Zeitgeist Moving Forward. Alex Jones Anti-TZM Propaganda Debunked by Peter Joseph - Aug 15th 2012 [ The Zeitgeist Movement ] Forest boy ‘inspired by Zeitgeist movement’ – A Rebuttal. (This post’s concluding words were re-edited on June 23rd, to correct the perceived tone and add an outbound link.)

If you happen to order fish and chips at any point tomorrow in the UK, amongst the greasy second-hand newspaper used to line the take-away box, you might catch sight of a bent corner of an article by Damien McElroy of The Telegraph on the mysterious story of “Forest Boy”, a young man named Robin Van Helsum, a 20-year old from Hengelo in the Netherlands. Van Helsum ran away from home many months ago, and then concocted a story that he had been living with his father in a forest. Heart-breakingly, his father, who was not with him, actually died in the interim without knowing whatever happened to his son.

It is of course an bitter coincidence that this article appears on Father’s Day to boot. I’ll link you to the online version of the story, (and I mean “story” in the real sense of the word) rather than attempt to locate the grease-ridden version of it tomorrow. Peter Joseph on Iceland. Peter Joseph's Response to "60 Minutes" / Brooklyn Co.Expo [ The Zeitgeist Movement ] Peter Joseph's Response to Stefan Molyneux [Zeitgeist: Moving Forward] Peter Joseph: Message to Occupy Wall Street & The World | The Zeitgeist Movement. Reply to the scapegoating of Fred Goodwin. I don’t believe it is too cynical a perspective that leads me to comment on the crass and transparent scapegoating manoeuvre the Government has just pulled in de-frocking Fred Goodwin the day after coercing Stephen Hester to turn down his bonus.

How tiny in significance are these 2 factors in comparison with systemic failure and corruption inherent in the monetary/market economic system? They have seriously underestimated the intelligence of today’s internet-enlightened population They have seriously underestimated the intelligence of today’s internet-enlightened population if they believe we can be fooled into thinking the economic crisis could be blamed of the irresponsible behaviour of one company.

Fred Goodwin’s dealings are a natural symptom, not a cause of this crisis. The real criminals are the ones who still try to assure us that this socio economic system can ever serve the interests of those whose are still being conned into working and stressing so hard to keep it in motion. The Zeitgeist Movement - Common Objections. The Zeitgeist Movement Responds to Egypt & the Wikileaks Fallout. The Zeitgeist Movement Response to FBI Targeting Political Activists as Terrorists. The Zeitgeist Movement Response to Gulf Oil Spill. The Zeitgeist Movement Response to Media: Death of Osama bin Laden. TZM Response To ‘Kony 2012′ Campaign. Recently, a viral phenomenon flared up as a result of a video campaign entitled ‘Kony 2012′, which encourages the viewer to become passionate about chasing down a man named Joseph Kony, who is apparently involved in gang warfare, rape, severe child abuse, slavery, murder and the like in Uganda and it’s neighbouring countries.

This is obviously extremely inhumane and abhorrent behaviour to say the least. The methods in which the film presents the problem are very emotive, and judging by the public response, appears very effective on pulling on the viewer’s heartstrings. The suggested method of then bringing KONY to “justice” is a mass publicity campaign and hence political pressure plus funding to the affiliated organisations, via military intervention. So essentially the solution is to catch the “Bad Guy” and therefore this behaviour we want to see eradicated will no longer exist. Was Joseph Kony born a rapist, serial killer and child slave trader? Of course not. Bruce Galliver x.