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Ethics and Principles

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Wake Up, Freak Out - then Get a Grip. 300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds. PERMACULTURE & PEAK OIL: Beyond 'Sustainability' Publications - Publishers for the Permaculture Institute, Tasmania. Who are Tagari Publications?

Publications - Publishers for the Permaculture Institute, Tasmania

"Tagari" is a Tasmanian Aboriginal word meaning "those of us who are gathered here" or "us mob", and we began in 1978 as a community of people who worked and lived on eighty acres of swamp land in Stanley, Tasmania, researching & experimenting with Permaculture concepts [Read more...] Promotional Book Price for Geoff Lawton’s Online PDC course students Click on the book image to the right and you will be redirected to the special offer purchasing area where you can buy PERMACULTURE: A Designers’ Manual at a great discounted rate for students enrolled in Geoff Lawton’s Online PDC course.

This offer will only be available for the duration of the course – 5th April 2014 through to 21st June 2014. Geoff Lawton's Quality Videos Demonstrate What's Possible They’re worth sharing & free to view The Earth is in crisis. Church of Deep Ecology. Permaculture, a Beginners Guide. So What IS Permaculture?

Permaculture, a Beginners Guide

’PERMACULTURE’ is a word that was originally coined in the mid seventies by two Australians, David Holmgren and Bill Mollison, to describe the design system pioneered as a response to what they, and many others globally, saw as serious challenges to the survival of all of us. Originally derived from the words ‘PERMAnent agriCULTURE’, permaculture has gone beyond it’s roots in looking at strategies to create sustainable food growing methods to become a worldwide movement encompassing all aspects of how we as human beings can live harmoniously in relation to our Earth and it’s finite resources- A PERManent CULTURE. Permaculture now probably has as many definitions as there are practitioners, but one that is particularly useful might be- “CREATING SUSTAINABLE HUMAN HABITATS BY FOLLOWING NATURE’S PATTERNS”. Permaculture is a broad based and holistic approach that has many applications to all aspects of life. Want to know more? Invasion Biology. David I.

Invasion Biology

Theodoropoulos, Las Sombras Biological Preserve, Box 337, La Honda, CA 94020-0337 USA(408) Invasion Biology: Critique of a PseudoscienceBy David Theodoropoulos. Published by Avvar Books, Blythe, California. ISBN 0-9708504-1-7 Soft cover, 6 x 9", 237+xiv pp, $32.00. To order a copy, click here. "[T]he core of the book is an attack on prevailing paradigma of invasion biology.... "In this provocative work, Mr. "Now it is invasion biologists' turn to face misguided invective.... Preface Acknowledgments Introduction. Pattern Literacy. Tending the Wild : M. Kat Anderson. John Muir was an early proponent of a view we still hold today—that much of California was pristine, untouched wilderness before the arrival of Europeans.

Tending the Wild : M. Kat Anderson

But as this groundbreaking book demonstrates, what Muir was really seeing when he admired the grand vistas of Yosemite and the gold and purple flowers carpeting the Central Valley were the fertile gardens of the Sierra Miwok and Valley Yokuts Indians, modified and made productive by centuries of harvesting, tilling, sowing, pruning, and burning. Marvelously detailed and beautifully written, Tending the Wild is an unparalleled examination of Native American knowledge and uses of California's natural resources that reshapes our understanding of native cultures and shows how we might begin to use their knowledge in our own conservation efforts. M. M. “Highly readable and compelling prose, readily accessible to a general audience. “Kat Anderson writes beautifully, conveying awareness, insight, and wisdom, without preaching or posturing.

Peak Oil and Permaculture: David Holmgren on Energy Descent. David Holmgren, co-originator of the permaculture concept and author of Permaculture: Principals and Pathways Beyond Sustainability, speaks with Adam Fenderson from about permaculture and its role in an energy constrained world.

Peak Oil and Permaculture: David Holmgren on Energy Descent

Link with video for broadband users: Link to MP3 Transcript: Adam Fenderson: Could you give us your definition of permaculture and tell us a little bit about your role in its creation and evolution? David Holmgren: Permaculture is a design system for sustainable living and land use.

"It started from the premise of looking at the redesign of agriculture using ecological principles, but it extended out from that to the redesign of the whole of society using those principles. Fenderson: What exactly is the "energy peak"? The critical peak that we're reaching now is in relation to what's called conventional oil. Permaculture Principles. The foundations of permaculture are the ethics (centre) which guide the use of the 12 design principles, ensuring that they are used in appropriate ways.

Permaculture Principles

These principles are seen as universal, although the methods used to express them will vary greatly according to the place and situation. They are applicable to our personal, economic, social and political reorganisation as illustrated in the permaculture flower. Each principle can be thought of as a door that opens into whole systems thinking, providing a different perspective that can be understood at varying levels of depth and application. Permaculture Principles.