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The Secrecy of Illumination

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Nibiru. Nibiru - the Absurd Link Between the Illuminati and Aliens JC LeSinge (responding to a general question posed by an Illuminatist operating under an alias): Have you looked into the Nibiru Conspiracy?


Sometimes referred to as 'Nemesis' or 'Eris'. I actually asked two astrophysicists about this (just a chance meeting); their answer, eventually, once I'd managed to frame the question in a fashion they understood and they'd given me all the extra terminology (such as what an 'AU' is in astrophysics), their answer was 'maybe'. I'll let you look into it; the bottom line on Nibiru boils down to 'Doom Planet'. Illuminatus (operating as a skeptic): I can't believe any astrophysicist would give any credence to Nibiru. Besides, earth has probably already suffered a planetary collision with a planet called Thea; the collision that produced the moon. Does Nibiru get hooked up to the New World Order and the Illuminati and the Reptilians somehow? Eh? JC LeSinge: SINGULATRUM - The Singular Truth Part 1 ( The Secret Covenant ) The Dangers of the Secret Knowledge. Is there a danger to the Secret Knowledge?

The Dangers of the Secret Knowledge

Why did Jesus constantly warn his disciples to "tell no man". Why did he say that there were many things that could not be told at that time in history, and why did he hide his teachings in parables and why did Paul speak so often of the mystery behind the gospel? The good news was to be broadcast everywhere and yet it was secretive and dangerous. All down through history there have been heresy trials and persecutions, not only by the secular authorities but also by religious authorities. Why? Even though this Secret Knowledge is more precious than silver or gold, it is a threat to our most highly guarded possession, our belief system. Another danger of the Secret Knowledge is that it will be perceived as a guilt trip. This secret knowledge is a threat to the power structure, not only of society but of the individual also. I am saying that as long as we are identified with our belief structure, we will feel in danger. The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati.

A "placebo controlled clinical study" demonstrates that the power of belief is removed from a pharmaceutical drug test.

The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati

The mind can actually dissolve a cancer tumor if that patient merely believes the swallowed pill has a drug in it, even if there is nothing in the pill. The Holographic Universe >> According to the most well-tested theory in physics, Quantum Mechanics, your consciousness changes reality. In this theory, the phenomenon known as the collapse of the Quantum Wave Function is what brings reality into existence. This is a fancy way of saying that one's conscious observation of small unseen waves actually causes those waves to "collapse" into matter. We are all here perceiving through our "meat puppet" body, and interpreting everything through your receptors and making value judgments based on our life's experiences.

Others you focus very strongly upon. All reality happens in our minds. So many accept what is taught when without using reason or logic.