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Singapore, Esri sign agreement on 3D smart city technology. Government GIS 18 November 2013 | Views: 9968 Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and Esri have signed a two-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will see Singapore bring its urban planning and design processes to new heights with the world’s most advanced 3D smart city technology.

Under the MOU, Esri technology developers in the United States will commit to investing in 3D GIS technology development in collaboration with the URA; and Esri Singapore specialists will provide the agency with local support, advice and expertise. This agreement will enable URA to embark on several new spatial projects, and establish a ‘3D Urban Simulation Prototype Lab’ for 3D GIS testing and modelling. “As one of the world’s fastest growing cities, Singapore uses GIS technology to ensure its ongoing development can meet the needs of its citizens into the future. « Tour Paris 13 » : retour sur un documentaire transmédia | Le blog documentaire. Et si on parlait un peu de "transmédia" sur Le Blog documentaire ? Avec un dispositif construit dans la perspective d’une complémentarité éditoriale forte entre les différents supports documentaires.

Le projet « Tour Paris 13 », lancé par La Blogothèque, France Ô, les Nouvelles écritures de France Télévisions, Le Mouv’ et, raconte la destruction physique et la sauvegarde annoncée d’œuvres de street-artistes spécialement commandées pour une exposition temporaire d’un mois, à Paris. Les visites sont aujourd’hui terminées, le site a été sauvegardé… Retour, en trois regards, sur un essai documentaire transmédia réussi. L’oeil dans l’expo, avec Florian Mosca 4.500 mètres carrés, 11 étages, 34 appartements pour 102 artistes de 18 nationalités différentes… Voici les ingrédients du cocktail concocté par la Galerie Itinerrance, à Paris.

@flomotionprod Après avoir accueilli plus de 20.000 personnes, la Tour Paris 13 a fermé ses portes le 31 octobre. Un bémol cependant. @Nicolasbole. Rio 2016: Brazil is preparing to host the biggest sporting event in the world | Brazil Factoid. The Olympics is undoubtedly the biggest sporting event in the world. After an arduous struggle, Brazil emerged victorious when the IOC (International Olympic Committee) nominated Rio de Janeiro to host the ‘Games of the XXXI Olympiad’.

Following three previous attempts to become a host country, Brazil finally won. Rio proudly stood above the other 5 nominees as she became the first country in South America to host the Olympics. After elimination of Chicago, Rio de Janeiro received 46 votes, against 29 in Madrid and 20 in Tokyo. The theme for the 2016 Olympics is “Live your Passion”, that will run from 5th August 2016 until 21st August 2016.

Rio has completed most of the Olympic venues: Joao Havelange Stadium Maria Lenk Aquatic Center Rio Olympic Arena Rio Olympic Velodrome National Equestrian Center National Shooting Center The games will be help in four zone:Barra, Copacabana, Maracana and Deodoro. Rio : Is Brazil ready for World Cup? Victoria Derbyshire.