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The Avengers

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Deleted ‘Avengers’ Scene Answers All Your Cap Questions, Has Stan Lee. Yesterday, as a way of talking about the alternate, darker opening to Joss Whedon’s ‘The Avengers,’ I mentioned how there was evidence of a few different subplots in the film that I was interested in seeing.

Deleted ‘Avengers’ Scene Answers All Your Cap Questions, Has Stan Lee

Actually, to quote myself: Much like Captain America’s blonde waitress friend who has been reduced to a single interview in the alien aftermath after we know she had a brief scene with Steve Rogers in a New York cafe and that scene included Stan Lee’s original cameo. First Clip From New Marvel Short Film Item 47. FIRST LOOK: Marvel unveils top-secret 'Avengers' short film 'Item 47. This exclusive Comic-Con poster for Marvel’s new One-Shot short film Item 47 takes us back to a familiar vantage point.

FIRST LOOK: Marvel unveils top-secret 'Avengers' short film 'Item 47

The first time we looked down this Manhattan corridor toward the Stark Tower, it was in The Avengers poster and our old buddies Iron Man, Nick Fury, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and the Hulk were busy defending this pulverized street from a gang of alien invaders. But even good guys don’t always clean up after themselves. You have to imagine a Chitauri warrior (if he survived the battle) reciting a variation on the “rifle prayer” from Full Metal Jacket as he regroups back on the other side of that galactic portal: “This is my gun. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. Cinematic Universe.

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Box office. Soundtrack. Website. Rumeurs. Posters. Images. Spoilers. Com et promo. Videos et trailers. Itw. Scenario. Autour du film. Cast. Tournage. News. The Avengers (2012.