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SNDRV - Sander Veenhof. Volkswagen - Fox no Planeta Terra - Twitter Zoom - English. Streamago - Go Live Anywhere Anytime | Techchai - Technology Tips, Tutorials, Articles and Updates. May 31st, 2011 Saurabh Dutta Till now you've been recording videos, uploading them to your favourite site and only then it was available publicly for your friends to view.

But things are soon going to change. Streamago is a new service launched by Tiscali that lets live streaming of your videos anywhere and anytime using your internet enabled phone or webcam. The goal is simple: to offer everyone the opportunity to share online in real time whatever you are filming with your video camera connected to your Laptop or a webcam connected to your PC or even with your smartphone with Internet access. Internet is all about connectivity and Tiscali has exactly enabled the same. It's giving the users the freedom to transmit "live" via webcast from your smartphone or webcam. With Streamago you can have your own tv channel for free Now it's really simple for anyone to have thier own television Channel with this new tool. This is a Sponsored Post and the views expressed in this article are solely mine. - Special Reports - The 44th President - The Moment. T-Mobile Rain of Flowers (2 Min) T-Mobile Sing-along Trafalgar Square (extended version)