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Twitter In Schools-A Getting Started Guide. The end of the school year is upon us however many are looking forward to next year.

Twitter In Schools-A Getting Started Guide

You may be thinking what can you do differently next year? How can you stand out above the crowd? How can your school become a larger part of the school community? While Twitter is beginning to catch on with many educators, schools are lagging in their adoption of the platform. All About Twitter Hashtags. After writing my Teacher Challenge guest post on using Twitter to build your PLN, I was asked by a number of people about hashtags.

All About Twitter Hashtags

I know when I first started using Twitter, it took me a little while to get my head around what the # symbol meant. This is a handy feature of Twitter that is worth learning about. What is a hashtag? Help - Teacher Help. Diigo - Web Highlighter and Sticky Notes, Online Bookmarking and Annotation, Personal Learning Network. Home.

Twiducate - Social Networking For Schools.