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Isaac Asimov on Bill Moyers World of Ideas pt 2. Nathan Heller: Is College Moving Online? Gregory Nagy, a professor of classical Greek literature at Harvard, is a gentle academic of the sort who, asked about the future, will begin speaking of Homer and the battles of the distant past.

Nathan Heller: Is College Moving Online?

At seventy, he has owlish eyes, a flared Hungarian nose, and a tendency to gesture broadly with the flat palms of his hands. He wears the crisp white shirts and dark blazers that have replaced tweed as the raiment of the academic caste. His hair, also white, often looks manhandled by the Boston wind. Where some scholars are gnomic in style, Nagy piles his sentences high with thin-sliced exposition. (“There are about ten passages—and by passages I simply mean a selected text, and these passages are meant for close reading, and sometimes I’ll be referring to these passages as texts, or focus passages, but you’ll know I mean the same thing—and each one of these requires close reading!”)

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2tor. Coursera. Udacity. Parachutes. Codecademy. Airy Labs. ClassPager. Trade School. Knewton. Sophia. Learnable. P2PU. Tutorspree. CourseKit / Lore. Brain Share. Open Sesame. Skillshare. E-180. Cityversity. Skilio. Udemy. Khan Academy. TeamTreeHouse. OpenEnglish. Imagine K12.