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Video 7. Plastic Wrap Alternative: DIY Beeswax Cotton Wraps. InShare I was first introduced to beeswax-coated cotton wraps when someone gave me one made locally They quickly became an important part of our food storage regime.

Plastic Wrap Alternative: DIY Beeswax Cotton Wraps

They are beautiful, functional, reusable, economical and eco-friendly. And, as I soon discovered, not difficult to make. I have been trying to cut back our kitchen plastic usage for years. I don’t trust plastic especially when it is holding food, and it is simply NOT sustainable. Plastic wrap (I used Saran wrap) is a wasteful, single-use, petroleum product that I am convinced is not an acceptable part of natural living.

The Most Natural Organic Pool You Can Build Yourself. There are many reasons to avoid chlorinated pools, most of all due to your health and the environment.

The Most Natural Organic Pool You Can Build Yourself

Natural Pools allow nature to provide hygienic water for swimming. The vibrant ecology of plants and animals condition the water so there is no need for any chemical disinfectants. These pools are healthy for people and wildlife. In fact the water quality in a natural pool is so good, many are well within drinking water standards. Natural Organic Poolsby PreventDisease Scientists have known for decades that along with the good that comes with disinfecting water with chlorine, chemicals called disinfection byproducts can also be formed when chlorine reacts with organic substances like human skin and residues from body care products. Natural Swimming Ponds Ditch the Chemicals. This gorgeous swimming pool isn’t a typical chlorine-filled watering hole–it’s actually a natural swimming pond that relies on plants to filter the water.

Natural Swimming Ponds Ditch the Chemicals

(Don’t worry, you’re not swimming among the plants and stepping in squishy mud; the plant regeneration area is kept separate from the swimming area.) Even if you already have a swimming pool, you can enjoy the benefits of a chemical-free pond and relaxing natural environment using the structure you already have with a few design changes. Natural swimming ponds are already quite popular in Europe and are gaining interest in the US. Companies like Clear Water Revival (UK) and Total Habitat (US) can help you design your perfect dream pond, or revamp the pool you already have.

The cost of new natural ponds versus conventional swimming pools is said to be comparable, but maintenance costs for a chemical-free pool will be much lower. Build your own open source cargo bike (or buy it from XYZ Cycle) April says cargo bikes are better than cars but they are expensive.

Build your own open source cargo bike (or buy it from XYZ Cycle)

Over at Low Tech Magazine, Kris de Decker shows an alternative built out of open source technology, the XYZ Nodule designed by N55. You could build this bike yourself; it is all creative commons licenced. The system is so simple that you don't need complicated or expensive tools; really, not much more than a drill and a hand saw. XYZ cargo via Low Tech Magazine/CC BY 3.0 Kris writes: Like all modular systems, XYZ nodes enable people to build things based on the principle of a few different parts repeatedly used to create an overall structure, similar to construction sets like Lego, Meccano and Erector. Homemade Bug Repellent. Wonderful DIY Fantastic Stone Floor Mat. Here is a great idea for making fantastic stone floor mat .

Wonderful DIY Fantastic Stone Floor Mat

A beautiful flat beach stone mat brings natural style to your bathroom or entry while providing a nice, tactile surface for feet. Stones are naturally mildew resistant and water drains through the holes in the shelf liner backing, which is also skid resistant. Flat stones allow you to create mosaic patterns while keeping the surface of the mat even— more even than what can be achieved with rounded river rock. Stone mats are also easy to clean—simply spray with a garden hose and let dry. Things You’ll Need: – 1 roll of 24-inch wide non-adhesive cushioned shelf liner in a color to match your stones – Tape measure – Utility scissors – Flat beach stones – 1 to 3 tubes of exterior-grade silicone – Caulk gun – Plastic drop cloth – Spray can of polyurethane Instructions : 1. 2.

About Karen. Me: My name is Karen and I’m a television host.

About Karen

In Canada. Which means in terms of notoriety and wealth, I’m somewhere on par with the manager of a Sunset Tan in Wisconsin.

Cell phones and Solar power

Recycled crafts. Hemp Clothing. Catalog gallery waves WHY HEMP?

Hemp Clothing

Hemp is overall, the strongest, most durable, longest lasting natural fiber on Earth. With it’s unparalleled strength, resiliency and antimicrobrial properties, it is the finest fiber for textiles. The hollow shaft structure of the fiber retain warmth in the winter and insulate the body from warm temperatures in the summer. What’s more, it requires no synthetic pesticides or herbicides to grow, making hemp a sustainable and responsible choice. Among it’s many phenomenal properties, fabrics containing at least 50 percent hemp, block the sun’s ultraviolet rays more effectively than do other fabrics. How to Make Hemp Paper. 10 Creative Reuses for Old Lighters. Old lighters seem to have a way of piling up in the junk drawer, even if you try to stay conscientious about not keeping things around when they don't work anymore.

10 Creative Reuses for Old Lighters

The next time you go to clean out your stash of exhausted rubber bands, tired disposable lighters, and other random bits and pieces, though, don't throw out those lighters: you might just be able to find a really cool use for them.