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Sustainability, Green, Permaculture, and Community Resources

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DEMOCRACY. ALLIANCES, COALITIONS, NETWORKS. GOVERNMENT. Bioregional Resource Centers / Granges / Learning Centers. DIRECTORIES. List of permaculture projects. This is list of examples of permaculture projects and practitioners. The largest collection of permaculture projects and practitioners around the world, can be found on the Worldwide Permaculture Network website.[1] Africa[edit] Zimbabwe has 60 schools designed using permaculture, with a national team working within the schools' curriculum development unit. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has produced a report on using permaculture in refugee situations after successful use in camps in Southern Africa and Republic of Macedonia. The Biofarming approach applied in Ethiopia has very similar features and can be considered permaculture. It is mainly promoted by the non-governmental organisation BEA, based in Addis Ababa.

Other countries have permaculture farms as well. Arab countries[edit] A permaculture project has been developed in Jordan by the Permaculture Research Institute headquartered in Australia and run by Geoff Lawton. Oceania[edit] Australia[edit] Tikopia[edit]

Picked permaculture resources

Strength is in the Net+Work. PLANT SOURCES. Cool Temperate - Welcome. Portal:Sustainable development. Portal:Ecology. 501(c)3. Portal:Environment. School Garden Development. Job Training. Land Trusts. Resource Conservation Districts. Credit Unions. Rural Development. Cooperatives/ Green Business. Cooperatives and Solidarity Economics.

LLCs and SMALL BUSINESSES. 501(c)4. 4th Sector Organizations. 501(c)3. FUNDING SOURCES. CAMPAIGNS. Green Maps Around the World | Green Map System.