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Education and Critical Thinking Documentaries

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Waiting for Superman. La Educación Prohibida | Un proyecto audiovisual para transformar la educación… Examined Life. Avital Ronell She starts by questioning the value of meaning. Meaning is imposed on reality and if we only look at reality and not impose meaning then we can do little more than observe it as we move through it. She uses that to question authority - religion - social structures as they offer imposed meaning and to her deny the simple fact that reality just is . She advocates for a political stance against those that offer simple meaning or fast found for the soul.

Peter Singer The basis of this argument was essentially a christian philosophy - do unto others as you would have them do unto you - which I always found to be a troubling and weak position. He goes on to suggest a moral confluence between engaging in consumerism and the suffering of others. For this to be a cogent argument I think it has to be based on a stronger form of love and commitment. Kwame Anthony Appiah A more rounded approach. Martha Nussbaum Cornel West Michael Hardt How to have revolution in the US. Slavoj Zizek. Religulous. Early on in Religulous, Bill Maher throws up a bar chart illustrating the number of people in America who are non-religious. That number is 16%, more than blacks, more than Jews, more than numerous other minority groups who seem to have no problem making themselves heard and getting Congress to do their bidding. Maher wonders aloud why non-religious people are so underground, and why they aren’t having an impact on the national discussion.

His film is aimed squarely at that 16% of the country, and almost no one else. His goal, and he clearly has one, is to give those people the motivation they need to come out of the closet and do something… before it’s too late. Religulous begins with Bill Maher, standing alone in Israel at a place called Meggido; a worthless pile of rubble where many of the planet’s religions believe the end of the world will begin. It’s not propaganda, because Maher isn’t running out and finding weirdos to use in smear tactics against the devout. The Teacher Salary Project.