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Intelligence économique. A new marketplace is in store for building efficiency apps. To check out what's next for energy management apps, stop by HackCity, November 9-11.

A new marketplace is in store for building efficiency apps

Piensa como un científico, no como un abogado >> Apuntes científicos desde el MIT. Los buenos científicos son los seres más escrupulosos del planeta.

Piensa como un científico, no como un abogado >> Apuntes científicos desde el MIT

Cuando por mínimo que sea algún detalle no termina de encajar en sus teorías, enseguida dudan que su hipótesis podría estar equivocada. Para ellos la frase “la excepción confirma la regla” es el sinsentido más grande que podamos imaginar. Hacia el Pearl Harbor cibernético. Modularity. Modularity is the degree to which a system's components may be separated and recombined.


The meaning of the word, however, can vary somewhat by context: Modularity in different research areas[edit] Modularity in technology and management[edit] The term modularity is widely used in studies of technological and organizational systems. Product systems are deemed “modular”, for example, when they can be decomposed into a number of components that may be mixed and matched in a variety of configurations.[1][2] The components are able to connect, interact, or exchange resources (such as energy or data) in some way, by adhering to a standardized interface. Link Securities. Bain Capital. Growth through innovation - The innovation spiral. Captación de talento bajo el prisma win-win: el caso de éxito de Teamlog Ibérica.

El Proyecto. NetImpact - IE Business School. Fale com o HEADHUNTER: CEO da Microsoft portuguesa assume novas funções na Microsoft Brasil. Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship GmbH : Falk F. Strascheg. Falk F.

Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship GmbH : Falk F. Strascheg

Strascheg is one of the most experienced and successful venture capitalists in Germany and Europe. He is a founding partner of EXTOREL Private Equity Advisers, a leading venture capital firm. In 1971 Mr. Strascheg started the company Laser Optronic in Munich. Home. Resiliencia. Resiliencia (del verbo latino resilio, resilire: «saltar hacia atrás, rebotar») tiene varios signficados según el contexto:


Platforms for Big Data. Dealing with Future Problems The reason why we need to be concerned over problems that have not yet occurred is to secure sufficient response time.

Platforms for Big Data

Sufficient time will enable us to take full consideration before making decisions as well as preparation. Therefore, it is invaluable to predict upcoming events and be concerned about future problems. To solve matters in hand, explicit recognition is needed. Business Gotten Too Complex? Try “vuja de” (or let Xerox do it for you) By, Suzette Norris, Xerox PR Consultant Suzette Norris.

Business Gotten Too Complex? Try “vuja de” (or let Xerox do it for you)

Top 10 Questions To Ask At A Job Interview In 2012. Deciding οn qυеѕtіοnѕ tο qυеѕtіοn thе interviewer саn bе one οf thе mοѕt stressful раrtѕ οf thе interview process. Oftеn candidates rυѕh through thіѕ раrt, relieved tο hаνе thе interview over аѕ quickly аѕ possible. Others ‘ɡο through thе motions’ bу asking unoriginal qυеѕtіοnѕ tο fill thе time. Asking intelligent аnԁ kind qυеѕtіοnѕ reinforces уουr suitability аѕ a candidate аnԁ demonstrates уου аrе hοnеѕt аbουt thе job .

It аƖѕο allows уου tο gain a better insight іntο whether thе role іѕ really fοr уου. Here аrе ουr top ten qυеѕtіοnѕ tο qυеѕtіοn – although wе recommend уου don’t qυеѕtіοn thеm аƖƖ! Ariel Andres Almada - HOME. La Oreja de Europa: Todos los festivos de la UE en un vistazo. ¿Alguna vez habéis viajado a otro país y todo esta cerrado porque resulta que era un festivo?

La Oreja de Europa: Todos los festivos de la UE en un vistazo

Quiénes son los project managers y por qué son críticos para las empresas. Home. Cátedra Carl Schroeder de Dirección Estratégica. 199 Preguntas sobre marketing - Patricio Bonta, Patricio Bonta Mario Farber. The Six Enemies of Greatness (and Happiness) BaskoEganya: El motor de la creatividad en la economía creativa. “Para utilizar la creatividad hay que determinar, ante todo, el mejor momento de explotar la naturaleza no rival de las ideas y, en segundo lugar, el momento idóneo para hacer valer los derechos de propiedad intelectual, e introducir las ideas en el mercado de la competencia entre productos.

BaskoEganya: El motor de la creatividad en la economía creativa.

Las dos decisiones son el punto central del proceso de gestión en ese ámbito”. “La creatividad” está presente en nuestra vida cotidiana, desde el momento en que nos despertamos hasta el momento en que nos acostamos. PROfounders Capital. DN Capital - venture capital company investing in digital media, communications and enterprise software firms.

Mario Conde - El Sistema [pdf-epub-fb2-mobi][rg. Claritics. Calls for experts. A Call for Tender is issued by the agency to buy specific services or works.

Calls for experts

Very often, but not exclusively, it will concern studies. Chief Marketing Technologist. Life and Letters: The Running Novelist. 10 Laws of Productivity. You might think that creatives as diverse as Internet entrepreneur Jack Dorsey, industrial design firm Studio 7.5, and bestselling Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami would have little in common. In fact, the tenets that guide how they – and exceptionally productive creatives across the board – make ideas happen are incredibly similar. Here are 10 laws of productivity we’ve consistently observed among serial idea executors: 1.

Break the seal of hesitation. A bias toward action is the most common trait we’ve found across the hundreds of creative professionals and entrepreneurs we’ve interviewed. Grupo ThinkEPI. Insight Center: The Secrets of Great Teams - Sponsored by SAS. Teamwork on the Fly. Idea in Brief In today’s fast-moving, ultracompetitive global business environment, you can’t rely on stable teams to get the work done. Instead, you need “teaming.” Teaming is flexible teamwork.

The New Science of Building Great Teams. Artwork: Andy Gilmore, Chromatic, 2010, digital drawing If you were looking for teams to rig for success, a call center would be a good place to start. The skills required for call center work are easy to identify and hire for. Saving the Planet: A Tale of Two Strategies. Idea in Brief. Technology. CloudFlare Builds ‘Stop Censorship’ App, Lets Sites Easily “Black Out” Against SOPA. Whatever position you may take on SOPA, or on whether or not sites should black out against SOPA (Yes it has come to this), the issue has reached a boiling point today with sites like Wikipedia and Reddit pledging to blackout on Wednesday in order to further raise awareness of the measure’s pitfalls. Because SOPA and PIPA threaten the existence of sites that link to copyright infringing content (like Twitter, Wikipedia, Facebook and every other site on the Internet) the bills — which are currently stalled in Congress — have sparked a massive online backlash.

In addition to Reddit, Wikipedia and Icanhazcheezburger, Web security startup and TechCrunch Disrupt runner up CloudFlare has thrown its large hat into the anti-SOPA ring, with the “CloudFlare Stop Censorship” app — which essentially solves investor Fred Wilson’s problem of not knowing exactly how to black out. "En Finlandia exigimos más a quien quiere ser docente" Prestigio Los estudiantes finlandeses son los mejores de Europa en la evaluación PISA de la OCDE. Sus profesores, sin embargo, no están mejor pagados ni sus escuelas mejor dotadas. El profesor Riiho aventura una explicación: los finlandeses no hacen política con su educación –pública y gratuita– y exigen más titulación, idiomas y especialización que nosotros a los aspirantes a la docencia. "Vuestros abuelos están más preparados que vosotros para crear un negocio en los próximos diez años” Visual thinking: cuando una imagen vale lo mismo que mil palabras. Urban Information Networks, Part 3: Open Data 2.0.

Wakeup Call: Companies Need to Master the Art of Global Innovation; Governments, too. Unleashing social energy. Convergences 2015. Build a collaborative knowledge base with Knowledge Plaza! Meet the team - Idealy. Belgian web, tech, mobile entrepreneurs networking travel. Estructura política. Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age - Video and audio - News and media.

Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Datenanalyse & Berichterstellung - Sybase IQ - Sybase Inc. Steganography Revealed. Unix wars. Sistema abierto (informática) Can you crack it? Steganography. Harold "Kim" Philby and the Cambridge Three. Consulting and Systems Integration company : BI, CRM, e-Business, EIM - Business & Decision Group. Living knowledge - The international Science Shop Network. Social impact theory. How did you become a business analyst. La eclosión de la red sensorial anuncia un nuevo cambio radical en internet. Outil de Saisie en Ligne - 2011.10.13 12:34. BrainBridge Institute. Tomar decisiones, ¿Será posible hoy? - Opinión. 111102 MQTT proposal chart.jpg (Image JPEG, 610x351 pixels) Should Information Have an Expiration Date? Nota_prensa.jpg (Image JPEG, 360x772 pixels) No innovation without a sophisticated channel strategy v2.pdf (Objet application/pdf) La clave no es si se producirán ataques a la seguridad, sino cuándo y cómo - Noticias - Gestión de la seguridad - IT

Measurement and signature intelligence. Acoustic cryptanalysis. SPSS software for predictive analytics. Steve Jobs and the Seven Rules of Success. [Transformation 2011] Transforming Talent Management. Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery. Law Offices of Clara Diez - Home. Is a Cloud Computing World Flatter, Faster, and More Fun? Lanham Napier of Rackspace Thinks So. OpenFlow and beyond: future opportunities in networking. Infrastructure Q1: IaaS Comes Down to Earth; Big Data Takes Flight.

Risto Mejide: “En la era de las redes sociales, el packaging del producto es el contenido” PS Vita será "region free" We’re Not Artists: The Craft of Influencing Decision Makers. Kelton Launches Website Dedicated To In-Depth Interviews and StreetSmart Research. Weather U.S. Severe Weather Map. Brazil’s Boom Draws Americans Eager to Profit. La pasión del poder. Teoría y práctica de la dominación. Full text of "Above All Nations" » GlossaireInfoguerre.