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Sterek (part 2)

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Cupboard Love - Chapter 1 - mklutz - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text It’s Scott who convinces Stiles to put the ad in the paper.

Cupboard Love - Chapter 1 - mklutz - Teen Wolf

Stiles is doing a combined five year bachelors and masters, so his class schedule doesn’t exactly fit in around most of the part time jobs he could get on campus and to be fair, he’s pretty crap at making coffee anyway. He’s gotten pretty good at cooking, though, since his mom passed away. Plus, Stiles needs the money for all that coffee he’s so bad at making.

He’s got a cheap french press under the sink with his garbage bags that he tried to use exactly twice before he had to give up and just start giving all his spare cash to the hipster place around the corner. All of that is to say, though, that Stiles has been debating for a week about taking out a line of credit to fund his meagre student lifestyle when he gets the phone call. “I need a week’s worth of meals I can heat up and I don’t like spicy food,” says the man on the other end instead of hello. “Yes,” His mystery client grits out, sounding frustrated. Will to follow through - Chapter 1 - owlpostagain - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text you can’t hold on to the thrill so I hope you find your will to follow through (what we invented I am now ending) Watching Lydia sink to the filthy concrete floor, cradling Jackson like the dirt and the blood and the slick sweat don’t mean anything, like there’s nothing that can stop her from sharing those last few breaths with him – it does something to Stiles.

will to follow through - Chapter 1 - owlpostagain - Teen Wolf

Does something to his ribs, maybe, makes them brittle and sharp, curling in a little tighter and pinching his lungs, his heart. Later he’ll feel a little selfish about it; Lydia and Jackson are playing out their Satine and Christian horror story and Gerard’s mostly-dead, completely-disgusting body is gone, Peter’s apparently risen from the dead and Derek’s got this look on his face like he’s finally realizing he lost whatever tentative control he had. All Stiles cares about is that whatever fleeting chance he might have thought he had with Lydia has quite literally been given the kiss of death. Well. Danny shrugs.

Muérdago - starbolin - Teen Wolf. Common Blood - Chapter 1 - 1001cranes - Teen Wolf (TV), Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008. A (Sort of) Fairytale - briecheesie, daunt - Teen Wolf. Alive - grimm - Teen Wolf. Don't Speak - Chapter 1 - fatale - Teen Wolf. Chapter Text The text message on Stiles’ phone burned against his eyes, but he couldn’t stop swiping the screen every time it went dark.

Don't Speak - Chapter 1 - fatale - Teen Wolf

Where are you, Derek? You said you’d be here soon. That was forever ago. Forever was relative. The screen on his phone darkened, and Stiles pressed his finger against the phone again, lighting it up and contributing to his battery drain. Come to the high school, or he comes home in pieces. Attached was a picture of Stiles’ father. The sadistic shit-head had messed with them plenty before – but until now, the attacks had always been centered around them.

But the worst part was the photographs that had been left on each of the seats. Stiles had thought he’d gotten off as the lightest of the three. The same clenching fear that had been curling in his belly since last spring reared up again, infecting his body like a parasite, claiming each individual part of him into one giant nerve of terror. If anything happens to him… But he couldn’t finish the thought. Joker - Chapter 1 - Unloyal_Olio - Teen Wolf. Yshimteeelog: I thought in this way… Work In Progress - JenNova - Teen Wolf (TV) Stiles gets that Derek is touch-starved.

Work In Progress - JenNova - Teen Wolf (TV)

Is pretty much convinced that's why it was so easy for Ms Blake to seduce him given Derek's massive Trust Issues. He idly wonders how long it's been since someone touched Derek just because they could and then gets sad when he realises that it was probably Laura. It still doesn't quite explain why Derek went head-over-heels for her in a matter of days but, whatever, ten year-old Stiles fell in love with Lydia in less than the second it took her to flip her strawberry-blonde hair over her shoulder.

Stiles has been there, the touch-starved place, but it was mostly by his own choice. After his Mom died he didn't want anyone touching him – not even his Dad – because in his mind that would erase the last times his Mom touched him. (Stiles isn't quite over it. Stiles sees Derek a lot after everything's tied up in a neat package of revenge-crazed druid and power-crazed werewolves. It means Stiles watches Derek's barrier slam back down in close-up.