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gWallet - Connecting Brands in New Media. Online Business Optimization Platform by Omniture. Gordon Gekko 2.0: Flipping is GOOD. (aka Memo to Jason Fried: Sorry, You're Fucking Wrong. [clarification: i was a private angel investor in Mint's A round back in early 2007, when i was also doing some marketing consulting for the company. i was not directly involved in the Founders Fund investment in Mint's C round a few months ago. the comments below are primarily drawn from my personal experience with the company before i joined Founders Fund] [disclosure: the views expressed below are my own, and do not in any way represent the official position or perspective of either or Founders Fund.]

Gordon Gekko 2.0: Flipping is GOOD. (aka Memo to Jason Fried: Sorry, You're Fucking Wrong.

Dear Jason Fried: Sorry, You're Fucking Wrong. Let me explain... In a poorly-researched post titled "The Next Generation Bends Over" (cute) penned a few weeks ago by Jason Fried, founder/CEO of 37 Signals, the author attempts to make the case that: In order, these assertions are: 1) Fucking Wrong, and Irresponsible Conjecture & Hyperbole 2) Completely Wrong, and in fact Exactly the Opposite trend is going on, and finally 3) Wrong in most cases & crap advice for young entrepreneurs. 创业邦-创业者和投资人的资讯门户与互动平台—创业网络社区. 周鸿祎的微创新和中国的电子书 - 王英雄的日志. 周鸿祎的微创新和中国的电子书 (文:王英雄) 周二周鸿祎去Techweb做了101期IT龙门阵节目——《互联网微创新》。

周鸿祎的微创新和中国的电子书 - 王英雄的日志

我去的比较晚了,到的时候已经人满为患了,70多人的会场挤进了140多人,我只能和老祝、炳叔在外面侃大山了。 幸好,今天TW把老周的演讲变成文字放在网上 我仔细看完文章,周鸿祎确实讲了不少很有用的事情,周鸿祎虽然在网上的敌人很多,但业内交流起来却能说出不少真正的问题,不是藏着掖着的人。 闲话少说看看我的几点笔记吧。 1、你我皆非主流用户,10年前,我们是第一批上网的人,我们肯定是主流用户,而现在我们这批深度用户邮箱Gmail的、搜索用Google的、上网用ipad的。 2、在腾讯内部,被定义成高端用户是那些三四线城市的失学青少年,很多打工仔,很多打工妹,甚至是楼下停车场的保安,他一个月收入可能就2000块钱,但是他一个月通过手机和QQ,甚至游戏上,他一个月可能花几百块钱。 3、你不了解的真实的富士康民工:(通过真正调查获得《东莞产业调研》,而非易观之类的马后炮) 雷军终极反思:运气有多重要. 口述/雷军 整理/符星晨 创业成功的路有千千万,每个人创业成功的经验都不相同。


所以,我也只能讲讲自己对创业的体会和我的一些创业思路。 到底怎么才能创业成功呢? 我觉得,其实创业成功80%是靠运气,无论是谁都不例外。 为什么这么讲? 他研究了美国冰球队,世界上各个国家冰球队,都没有这个规律,为什么在加拿大打冰球就一定要4月份以后呢? 再以美国IT业的成功创业者为例,比尔·盖茨在1955年出生,史蒂夫·乔布斯在1955年出生,许多数得上名字的人物全在这一年出生。 Does your startup solve a problem? Vitamin or pain killer? I saw 20 new startups at Y Combinator earlier this week, and 32 more startups at the Under The Radar conference today.

Does your startup solve a problem? Vitamin or pain killer?

OK, so how do you sort through all of these companies and pick winners? There are a list of questions I ask entrepreneurs when evaluating start-ups. One of them is "Is your product a Vitamin (nice to have) or a pain killer (got to have it)? Of course everyone wants to think their product is a "must have" painkiller, but very few are. Another question I ask is "Who will pay for this, and how much will they pay? " Many products fall into the vitamin category. Pain killer products are products that solve for a specific pain point. There is another set of products that are "vitamins" (nice to have) until you feel the pain. In the past, corporate governance and compliance applications were "nice to have". Back-up and restore products for small companies or individual users are vitamins until the first time you lose a disk or significant data.

Think real hard, right now. Chance Barnett's Blog on Marketing, Technology and Curious Things. Kickstarter.