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Competition. Company. 创业家. 彭博. Here's How BuzzFeed Plans To Turn Viral Content Into Cash. Startup to IPO: Why Few Companies Make the Leap and What We Can Learn from Them (Part 1) NetMBA Business Knowledge Center. Fashion Trends & Styles. How HOTorNOT Bootstrapped To Over $5 Million In Annual Profits – With James Hong.

This is a story of a company that was built in a living room and went on to become a cultural phenomenon. I asked James Hong to come to Mixergy and teach how he and his co-founder, Jim Young, bootstrapped HOTorNOT and what they learned along the way. The FULL program Video excerpts About James Hong James Hong co-founded HOTorNOT, which started as an online photo rating site where users uploaded pictures of themselves and the community voted on each picture.

It grew into one of the largest online dating sites. He sold the company to a group of private investors in February 2008. Text excerpt The early years in a living room For the first three or four years it was just my co-founder and I working out the living room, and then around year three or four we said‚ “Hey, let’s hire some people because what happens if I die? Frankly, we were tired of having to run the site 24/7 all the time, so we finally hired some people, and the site was running on autopilot for a long time. Their revenue grows.