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Learning Coach

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The skills needed in the 21st century - New Vis... 31-Powerful-Questions.pdf. SAMR. Digital Learning Coaches Training | Metiri Group. Digital Learning Coaches Training Helping instructional coaches develop 21st Century learning organizations The Metiri Group has a long-standing reputation for helping schools use 21st Century skills, authentic learning, and one to one initiatives to establish and sustain 21st Century learning organizations. The 21 Coaches Professional Development Series includes: The 21 Coaches Professional Development Series is designed to be a 7 day training that can be organized or facilitated in any way that meets your needs.

A mid-sized suburban school district that is committed to creating sustainable 21st Century learning in their classrooms recently sent two classroom teachers and three administrators to Metiri’s 21 Coaches professional development series. Our first Indiana cohort graduated in May What is the 21 Coaches Professional Development Series? Overview: As new technologies enter into our K-16 classrooms, there is a renewed focus on the power of digital learning and student engagement.

ICT Peer Coaching - Expanding Learning Horizons. ICT Peer Coaching Internationally Recognised Accreditation Teacher quality has the greatest impact on student performance and outcomes. Recent studies by educational leaders suggest the benefits of schools having an explicit focus on building teacher capacity through reflective practices, has the greatest impact on classroom performance. Expanding Learning Horizons offer an internationally accredited 3 day course for groups of teachers or school leaders that teaches them coaching skills which allow for deeper conversations between teachers around the use of ICT for purposeful learning.

Structured for between 15 – 25 attendees, this course is designed for teachers to learn from each other collaboratively. ICT Peer Coaching is an internationally recognised Microsoft course that accredits participants as both coach, and facilitator. “Research by Michael Fullan and others makes it clear that teachers need the opportunity to learn from one another on a sustained, ongoing basis” (Fullan, 2001). The role of e-learning coaches in Australian secondary schools | Swinburne Research Bank. Coachteach.pdf.