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HiddenMysteries Information Central. The Zodiac-Bible In The Stars. Not many folks have heard about the Bible in the stars.

The Zodiac-Bible In The Stars

This is definitely NOT astrology. Astrology can't even put three signs together to make a story, whereas, the 48 constellations that make up the true Zodiac all go together to tell the story of Jesus, the Redeemer. The story includes His birth and life prophesy(the first four major Signs; 16 constellations), His dealings with His elect people(the second four major Signs), and His coming in triumph over Satan( the last four major Signs). You can listen to an introduction, a detailed account of the first sign, Virgo, and a summary of the whole Zodiac by going to the Zodiac section of the Straight Talk Archive . This page also includes the Lunar Zodiac, which, while approaching the subject from a totally different place, still tells the same story of the Redeemer. Below, I've included a Harmony that resulted from my study of this subject.

Joseph A. You'll notice that the Biblical Zodiac doesn't start with Aries. Joseph A. Who made it? Dratomic. Astrology & the Chakras. In this article I would like to explore the exciting possibility of bridging two of history's greatest psychological systems -- astrology and the chakras.

Astrology & the Chakras

Conventionally, these two systems have been seen as having little or nothing to do with each other, the former primarily concerning the outer world, or macrocosm, and the latter involving the inner world, or microcosm. In fact, as we shall soon see, these two systems are but two sides of the same coin, each one complementing the other and thus enhancing our understanding of both. The basic system of correspondences I will be using here is drawn from teachers I have studied with in the Kriya Yoga lineage.1 The general system of "chakric horoscopes" and their guidelines for interpretation are my own, developed over more than a decade of working with these basic correspondences. With that said, let us begin by exploring some of the core ideas of chakric philosophy.

What Are the Chakras? Chakra 2 is called Svadisthana. References and Notes. Evolve.


Astrology. Archetypes & Symbols, Crystalinks. Archetypes are visual symbols or energetic imprints that exist in our psyches.

Archetypes & Symbols, Crystalinks

Some are readily understood while others bring subliminal messages that are there to help you trigger your memory of why you are here and the truth behind the illusion of reality. Archetypes can often convey messages that verbal and written information cannot. Archetypes are found everywhere, as their symbols are a language of the mind, taken to different frequencies of thought and connected to each other by the collective unconsciousness. There are individual and universal archetypes. You become aware of them in meditation, dreamtime, remote viewing or other out-of-body experiences, when you doodle on a pad, crop circles or landscape art, other art forms, jewelry, hieroglyphs, a logo, on a billboard, anywhere at all. The term Archetype began with Carl Jung. Master or Universal archetypes are created by the patterns of Sacred Geometry.

Archetypes and Symbols 12 Around 1 Black Feathered Sun Hoag's Galaxy Alchemy. Maya Magee Sutton: Druid Magic. Druid Magic Many people today think that hardly anything is known about the spiritual traditions of our Druid ancestors and believe that the knowledge of them is all but lost; but this is not true.

Maya Magee Sutton: Druid Magic

The reality is that there is so much information about Druidry, and there are so many new developments in Druidry, as a living spirituality, that we need guides to help us follow this ancient but ever-new tradition. Because Druidry was transmitted mostly by oral tradition, it was effectively destroyed by its Roman and Christian opponents although a few traces have come down to us from Druid hands. There are three main sources of evidence for the reconstruction of Druidry: Celtic stories of Wales, Ireland and Scotland that have survived in folklore and literature although written down centuries after the era they purport to describe; Greek and Roman classical writings, many of which were biased in their views; and material evidence retrieved by archaeology. Protecting with Wards. Angels. Spiritual. iGoogle. The Mother.

Early years Mirra Alfassa (Paris 21.2.1878 - Pondicherry 17.11.73) was born as the second child of an Egyptian mother and a Turkish father, a few months after her parents had settled in France.

The Mother

An extraordinarily gifted child, who became an accomplished painter and musician, she had many inner experiences from early childhood on. In her twenties she studied occultism in Algeria with Max Theon and his English wife Alma, who was a highly developed medium. After her return to Paris, the Mother worked with several different groups of spiritual seekers. Meeting Sri Aurobindo She first heard of Sri Aurobindo from her second husband Paul Richard, who had visited him in Pondicherry in 1910; and in 1914, along with her husband, she was able to travel to Pondicherry and meet him in person. Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville Humanity is not the last rung of the terrestrial creation. For those who are satisfied with the world as it is, Auroville obviously has no reason to exist.

Divinities, Mythologies, Theologies

Mystic Traditions. Esoteric Arts & Sciences. Bodycard 0423.