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Questionstorm for scenario uncertainties. From WikiEducator Per definition, the outcome of an uncertainty is unkown and consequently will have a "yes" or "no" outcome. For example, we could ask: Will massive open online courses (MOOCs) displace the traditional university? In answer to this question, we could postulate: Yes: because the competition of more affordable access to education will drive expensive providers out of the market or No: MOOC providers will not be able to generate a sustainble business model from offering free access to education. In scenario planning it is about plausibility, not predicting whether the outcome will be true or not. The purpose of this questionstorm is to generate a list of ideas and rankings for potential uncertainties that could be used by SP4Ed participants in their scenarios. 27sumWill massive open online courses (MOOCs) displace the traditional university?

SAPVoice: The World In 2033: Big Thinkers And Futurists Share Their Thoughts. Photo credit: DonkeyHotey Put yourself back in 1993. Could you have predicted the success of the web, tablets and smartphones, privatized space travel, the rise of terrorism, or the myriad of small changes that impact how you live today? To do that going forward and to predict our world in 2033, you need the voices of the smartest minds on the planet to spot trends in their areas of discipline and give us insight into where we are heading.

Interviewed, and quoted directly for this piece are just such a group of visionaries, leaders, and big thinkers like: Ray Kurzweil on Technology Robert Kaplan on Global Conflict Khan Academy on Education Virgin Galactic on Space Travel Oliver Bussmann on The Global Workforce John Allen on Religion Dr. Gene Robinson on Global Climate, and Bonus insights from an aspiring leader On Technology: Ray Kurzweil “20 years from now, biotechnology – reprogramming biology as an information process – will be in a mature phase. On Global Conflict: Robert D. John L. Horizon Project. Login or Create New Account Member Spotlights RIT Launches Nation’s First Minor in Free and Open Source Software and Free Culture Partner News NMC Partners with the Balboa Park Online Collaborative iTUNES U Ideas that Matter and More High Quality, Free EdTech Content Sparking innovation, learning and creativity.

> NMC Horizon Project > NMC Horizon Reports > NMC Horizon Project Navigator > NMC Horizon EdTech Weekly App NMC Horizon Project The NMC Horizon Project charts the landscape of emerging technologies for teaching, learning, and creative inquiry. > Serve on a Horizon Project Expert Panel > Submit a Project for Inclusion in a Horizon Report Open Much of the work of the NMC Horizon Project takes place in a wiki where international experts across all different educational sectors openly exchange ideas and engage in insightful discourse.

Global The most recent addition to the NMC Horizon Project is a new series of region-specific reports called NMC Technology Outlooks. NMC Horizon Reports › News. The New Media Consortium | Sparking innovation, learning and creativity. Making Sense of MOOCs: Musings in a Maze of Myth, Paradox and Possibility | Daniel. 2012 WORLD OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES (OER) CONGRESS - Paris OER Declaration_01.pdf. Ubiquity-agency-connectedness from CORE Education Digital Media on Vimeo. CORE Education's Ten Trends 2013 | CORE Education. Derek's Blog - Musings on the use and impact of technology in education, and of the future of education in general. Teachers and school leaders are being challenged to transform educational outcomes, often under difficult conditions.

They are being asked to equip students with the competencies they need to become active citizens and workers in the 21st century. They need to personalize learning experiences to ensure that every student has a chance to succeed and to deal with increasing cultural diversity in their classrooms and differences in learning styles. They also need to keep up with innovations in curricula, pedagogy and the development of digital resources. The extract above comes from the foreword to the OECD publication Building a High-Quality Teaching Profession: Lessons from around the World which summarizes the evidence that underpinned the first International Summit on the Teaching Profession held in New York in March 2011. When I was training to be a teacher (last century!) Some quotes from teachers reported in response to this initiative suggest this is a positive move..

Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić and Sir John Daniel. Terry Anderson, Athabasca University. Ray Schroeder, University of Illinois Springfield. Online Learning Update. Employers like MOOCs — if they know what one is April 15th, 2014 By Jake New, Editor, eCampus News MOOCs-employers-studentsEmployers are fans of massive open online courses (MOOCs), according to a new study by researchers at Duke University and RTI International. But many first had to have the concept explained to them. “We were interested in exploring how employers viewed MOOCs in terms of whether they would make a difference in hiring decisions or how they might be used for recruiting talent,” said Laura Horn, the RTI’s site principal investigator. The study, funded by the Gates Foundation, was based on a survey of more than 100 human resource professionals from North Carolina employers.

About 70 percent of the respondents had never heard of a MOOC before. Share on Facebook An E-Portfolio With No Limits By David Raths, Campus Technology By Recession Realities in Higher Education. Disrupting the Degree? Credentialing in 2023. Disrupting the Degree? Credentialing in 2023 The degree may well be in existence in 10 years, but it will look vastly different from its current form. Higher education is changing, far more rapidly than is customary or comfortable in this field.

A series of influences — technological, social and economic — have converged to bring about change that will re-shape higher education in the coming decade. As early as 1999, Harvard Business School professor and management guru Clayton Christensen predicted the disruption of higher education by online learning. Now, some 15 years later, more than one-third of all college students are participating in at least some online learning. I do not doubt the prediction. With the prospect of fewer universities in the offing, notable innovators such as Salman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy, have called for changes in the way we credential learning.

References [1] Schubarth, C. (2013, 02 07) . [2] Khan, S. (2012, 10 04). Tags: Administrator. The Interaction Equivalency Theorem - Journal of Interactive Online Learning. The Interaction Equivalency Theorem Terumi Miyazoe Tokyo Denki University, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Terry Anderson Athabasca University, Edmonton, Alberta Abstract This paper examines the key issues regarding The Interaction Equivalency Theorem posited by Anderson (2003a), which consists of the three interaction elements found in formal education courses among teacher, student, and content. It first examines the core concepts of the theorem and argues that two theses of different dimensions can be articulated in the theorem, namely, value and amount (or quality and quantity). About the Author(s)... Terumi Miyazoe is an Associate Professor of English and Technology at Tokyo Denki University (Japan). Terry Anderson is a Professor and the Canadian Research Chair in Distance Education at Athabasca University, Canada’s leading online and distance open university.

Introduction. From WikiEducator Thinking about the future of education In this section we begin to explore the answers to questions like: What are the key factors which are likely to contribute to fundamental change in education? To what extent is the anticipated outcome of the identified drivers of change predictable? The art of deductive scenario planning requires a clear distinction between trends and uncertainties. The anticipated outcome of a trend is more "predictable" when compared to an uncertainty where the future outcome, per definition, is "unknown".