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SEX AND THE SINGULARITY. Meeting Khannea at her office When Ray Kurzweil began writing about an imminent post-human future when nanotechology and supercomputers would enable us to transcend flesh and mortality, I doubt he ever imagined how his thought would redound on someone who spent most of her time roleplaying a bisexual prostitute in an online world.


But there it is. Helen Fisher. The Social Media Gender Gap. According to a Rapleaf study, while both sexes still use social networking sites in huge numbers, women are the ones holding down the fort If Slide and RockYou, two of the fastest-growing Web businesses, are any barometer for the future, the Internet is going to look pink.

The Social Media Gender Gap

In other words, the future of social media is going to be all about the women. So if you're going to create the next hot Web 2.0 site and you want it to go viral, you'll target women.