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Pluto Press - @ is for Activism. La valise mexicaine de Robert Capa. Technology and social inclusion: rethinking the digital divide - Mark Warschauer. 3.4.CRITIQUE. Mobile learning is for everyone. Teaching High Tech. Programs for Educators Tips for Teachers Development for Educators. February 27, 2014 We are thrilled to announce the release of our entire Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum as a set of eight interactive, multimedia iBooks Textbooks, available for free in the iBooks Store... read more March 31, 2014 Imagine … a school district that is teaching Digital Literacy and Citizenship lessons to 28,000 K-12 students, with 1,800 trained teachers.

Programs for Educators Tips for Teachers Development for Educators

Social Media and Student Devices: Developing Guidelines. I am presenting tomorrow at TechForum Chicago on Social Media and Student Devices: Developing Guidelines We recently approved a new Acceptable Use Policy, which looks similar to the one from a few years ago.

Social Media and Student Devices: Developing Guidelines

I believe this is a strong legal document, which we follow up with an email to students and staff that gives short highlights of what they should consider when following the AUP. 15 social media collaboration platforms.