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Nielsen's 2011 media usage numbers: TV and Android still rule. Nielsen has new numbers on how we're using TV, mobile, online, and social media in the US. TV is still dominant, with 290 million, but with 232 mobile phones in the hands of people older than 13, and 211 million internet connections, we'd say the new wave is gaining fast. Additionally, while 288 million of those TV owners watch some form of "traditional TV," there are 143 million people watching TV on the internet, and 111 million watching timeshifted TV.

While YouTube dominates in viewership, Netflix has four times the average viewing time per person per month, and half of Netflix users watch their movies from a gaming console, instead of a computer. In the mobile universe, Nielsen puts Android's market share in the US at 43 percent, while iPhone and BlackBerry follow with 28 and 18 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, featurephones still outnumber smartphones, 57 percent to 43 percent. Better get on that, Google and Apple, we know we're doing our part. Source Nielsen. Survey: Nearly one tenth of Americans have “cut the cord” from premium TV. The Power Behind Online Videos? Subtitles. Millions using YouTube Editor to enhance videos after posting — Online Video News. Americans Viewed 42 Billion Online Videos in October. How Much Americans Spend on Electronics [INFOGRAPHIC]

Think you've got bad gadget spending habits? If you're a single male between the ages of 50 and 65 living in San Jose, Calif. your tech splurges might be par for the course, according to research by By aggregating anonymous data from the U.S. government, banks and other third-parties, Bundle has broken down Americans' gadget spending by city, age, household type and income level. While some of the findings are expected (monthly tech spending increases as the household gets larger), some are less so.

For example, Madison, Wis. beats Seattle, Wash. in monthly spending, and 50 to 65-year-olds outspend their younger counterparts, on average. Check out all the stats in the infographic below, and let us know if you're surprised to see any of the findings. People Now Watch Videos Nearly 30 Percent Longer On Tablets Than Desktops. It may come as no surprise, but Americans are watching more and more online video. In fact, they’re practically jonesin’ for it. According to comScore’s numbers, 182 million Americans watched online video content in September (for an average of 19.5 hours per viewer), while the U.S. video audience tallied a total of 39.8 billion video views. But what may be a bit more surprising is the extent to which people are now watching their video on tablets.

Ooyala, the provider of online video technology and services just released its first quarterly review, which you can find here. While the data is skewed slightly as it only takes into account those who actually watch online video, as comScore’s numbers show, at least in the U.S., there are more than a few watching online video. And Ooyala’s data set, too, is considerable, as the platform handles more than 1 billion analytics pings per day — revealing the global viewing behavior of 100 million monthly unique users.


TVEngagementTraditionalorSocial. VideoEngagementOnDevices. Nielsen: Facebook drops one slot in US online video ranking. Did you know that Facebook is one of the top 10 video destinations in the US, with 135m streams per month? This is one of the findings Nielsen just shared on its blog. Let’s have a closer look at these interesting figures: Online video is growing According to Nielsen, over 164 million Americans have watched audiovisual content online during the month of September.

Besides, US viewers spent an average of almost 5 hours watching online video, compared to 4h30 in June. In other words, online video usage is growing fast, although the average American still spends way more spend in front of the TV. The top 10 online video destinations The top 10 online video destinations in September were almost the same as in June, to the exception of ESPN, which made its entry on the list, and Netflix, which exited it.

Still, it’s worth looking at the details and notice that the vast majority of viewers accessed YouTube, which attracted 126m unique users out of 164 (vs. The impact of long-form content.