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Big in Japan: Open Source NoSQL Company Basho Lands New $11.5 Million Round of Funding. Basho, the company behind the open source NoSQL database Riak and the proprietary cloud storage system Riak CS, today announced a $11.5 million Series F round of funding lead by Georgetown Partners. The majority, $6.1 million, of this round comes from a new investor: IDC Frontier, a subsidiary of Yahoo Japan (no relation to the analyst firm).

CEO Don Rippert says the funding will help support the company’s international expansion of the company as well as the expansion of its product line, which Rippert says will continue to expand. Basho has raised $39 million to date, according to Rippert. Silverlight Lives On in New SQL Server 2012 Reporting Tool. The Power View tool is meant to be run remotely, including from a service linked to a SQL Azure cloud-based database, so this is indeed a Web application.

Silverlight Lives On in New SQL Server 2012 Reporting Tool

Technically, it may run from any browser that supports Silverlight. As with charting in Excel, you point Power View to your source and adapt the visualizations to best suit how that data may be explained to a viewer, and you do so without impacting the data itself. One new tool called the slicer, added to the project during its public preview phase (proof that Microsoft can indeed incorporate good suggestions during a public preview), lets the user select a segment of data in a table to pull out and either highlight in the context of the bigger chart, or demonstrate within a separate graph. The card can show a picture and some recent data about the item, and clicking on it can trigger the chart to "pivot" around it, showing either the highlight or the slice you created earlier.

Heroku launches SQL Database-as-a-Service — Cloud Computing News. Should NoSQL startups be afraid of DynamoDB? — Cloud Computing News.