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Microsoft announces Picture Passwords for Windows 8. Mentioned in great detail on the developer blog of the Windows engineering team, Microsoft is working on a method of logging into a computer powered by Windows 8 through a “Picture Password”.

Microsoft announces Picture Passwords for Windows 8

Likely designed for touchscreens, users are prompted with a familiar picture of their choice and asked to make a series of finger gestures on the screen to setup password protection. Microsoft recommends that users pick at least three gestures and can choose between a circle, a tap and a line drawn between two points. When a user logs into a Windows 8 machine using Picture Password, they simply have to replicate the correct placement, order and direction of all gestures. Microsoft dictates the set of three different gestures after research showed that login time was cut from 17 seconds using free form gestures to 4 seconds using preset gestures.

Microsoft also outlined how security is increased with the Picture Password method. New Open Source Laser Cutter Hits Market. Everyone Speaks Text Message. Can Facebook Get You a Job? [INFOGRAPHIC] In answer to the question above, approximately 18,400,000 Americans say yes, they got their current job through Facebook.

Can Facebook Get You a Job? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Though Zuck's platform ranks #1, Twitter and LinkedIn don't have shabby numbers either — 8 million and 10.2 million Americans, respectively, have gotten their jobs through social platforms. Judging from our Job Search Series, it should come as no surprise that being socially savvy pays off in the job hunt for two reasons — it helps you network, and it's a highly marketable strength in your skill set, given all the openings in the digital space. So, it's about time you spruce up those social profiles and start networking. The infographic below combines data from Jobvite, CNN, LinkedIn and JobSearch to assemble a statistical picture of the modern-day job seeker.

