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Jing Project: Visual conversation starts here. Mac or Windows. Snagit lets you quickly capture your screen, add additional context, and easily share with coworkers.

Jing Project: Visual conversation starts here. Mac or Windows.

The Old Way Too many meetings, wordy emails, tiring video calls, and confusing explanations. The Better Way. Peterson. Elaine Peterson Montana State University USA Abstract Despite success in teaching the class ‘Organization of Information in a School Library Media Center’ (EDCI 545) online, one component continued to be a problem for students, the Dewey Decimal Classification System.


World's Fastest Car...Bugatti Veyron. Media Hosting: Share Video, Share Anything. Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Screencasting Primer: For NTC Screencasting Panel. I'm presenting on a panel about ccreencasting at the NTC on April 5th at 1:30 PM. In preparation for the panel, I'm pulling together a wikitation on screencasting. Here's the primer: SCREENCASTING PRIMER by Beth Kanter This primer is an introduction to screencasting.