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How Pinterest Can Turn Your Brand Red-Hot [INFOGRAPHIC] If your brand isn't on Pinterest, you could be missing out on a growing stream of potential customers.

How Pinterest Can Turn Your Brand Red-Hot [INFOGRAPHIC]

While shaping your brand's image on Pinterest, remember to take into account the specifics of the site's userbase. A recent study showed that home, arts and crafts, style/fashion and food are the most popular categories on Pinterest. The food category is the fastest growing segment of Pinterest. SEE ALSO: Pinterest’s First Investor Explains the Secret to the Startup’s Success. Power of Pinterest - Infographics. 7 Industries You Wouldn't Expect to Be Creative on Pinterest (But Are) If you ask marketers outside of the ecommerce world, Pinterest still has a lot of work to do to prove itself as a viable social media network.

7 Industries You Wouldn't Expect to Be Creative on Pinterest (But Are)

Sure, you may have drooled over Pinterest's astonishingly high conversion rate, but when it comes to actually start pinning for your brand, you still write the network off as nothing more than recipes and retail therapy. It's just not right for your industry, and besides, Facebook and Twitter are all the social media your business needs, right? Not necessarily. If you're ignoring Pinterest in your social media strategy, you're ignoring one of the key trends in marketing today: visual content. We don't mean to brag, but our Pinterest conversion rate is a whopping 15% -- and we sell software!