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Profile update: Your teacher has now joined Facebook. 15 January 2011Last updated at 00:02 By Jane Wakefield Technology reporter Children use modern technology without thinking about it.

Profile update: Your teacher has now joined Facebook

For children e-mail is "something your dad does" and their search engine of choice is as likely to be YouTube as Google. But with many of the disruptive technologies that drip-feed children in their leisure hours banned within school buildings, what hope do teachers have of engaging their tech-savvy pupils? At Bedford Primary School in Liverpool, social networking is embraced as part of the daily routine of school and learning. It has joined Radiowaves, a dedicated school-based social network, which now boasts 13,000 schools in 22 countries. Safe Social Networking Sites for Younger Kids. ESafety : A Parents’ Guide to Facebook. Blog A section dedicated to image processing techniques and how to get the most out of the photographic process.

ESafety : A Parents’ Guide to Facebook

A Photographic Review of 2013. 10 Social Media-Tipps für Eltern.