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MyKindaCrowd - Home. About. Willkommen auf Nerofix! Google Analytics Launches New Social Reports To Measure Social ROI. Google Analytics has announced new social reports today, designed to help marketers measure the return on investment for social media activities. “Many social measurement tools focus on social listening by monitoring keywords and buzz.

While they’re helpful in many cases, these tools don’t connect the dots to show how investments in different social channels ultimately lead to sales or business objectives,” said Phil Mui, Google Analytics group product manager, explaining how the new tool is designed to go beyond listening. “Our goal with the new reports is to tie social activities and referrals to measurable, meaningful economic value so businesses can more effectively evaluate which social channels are impacting their bottom line, and which tactics will lead to measurable economic value,” Mui said. The New Social Reports The new set of reports will be available under the “Social” tab in Google Analytics. Current reports under Social include: EngagementActionPages Overview Report.

Anti-Social Networking App Helps You Avoid Friends You Don't Like. A new app claims to be the social network for the anti-social. While most social media apps focus on helping you get closer to your friends, Cloak uses location data to make it easier for you to avoid your connections. The app pulls in location information from your social networks to show you where friends are so you can avoid accidentally bumping into people you don't want to see. Connect Cloak to Foursquare and Instagram and the app brings up a map displaying your location and the locations of friends who have checked in nearby.

If there's someone you want to avoid, select "flag" and the app will alert you when that person gets within a certain radius of you. A half mile is the default radius but you can set it to be as small as one block or as big as two miles. For now, the app only pulls in location data from Foursquare and Instagram, so it's only useful if you follow the people you're trying to avoid on these two networks. Have something to add to this story? Social Media Update: Neuerungen bei Facebook, Google+, Pinterest. Midcourse Corrections.

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