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Case of Studies, Analysis, Theories, Evangelisation

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AdCenter. Future Differentiation of 'Social Media' from Collaboration. 'Social media' seems to be becoming even more of a hindrance to the successful application of 2.0 technologies to solve specific business problems as time goes on: I finally read 'Beware Social Media Snake Oil' by Stephen Baker in the December 3 issue of BusinessWeek, the ailing old media title recently bought by Bloomberg. Why Social Media Is Vital to Corporate Social Responsibility. Melissa Jun Rowley is a freelance entertainment correspondent for CNN, a writer for Causecast, and producer for "That Morning Show" on E!

Why Social Media Is Vital to Corporate Social Responsibility

Entertainment. She is @MelissaRowley on Twitter and blogs at A cultural and corporate shift is taking place in the world. The result of things like the current economic climate and recognition of global climate change, society is starting to push past awareness and into action. As this transition takes hold, companies are evolving from their reactive states, and moving toward more pro-active approaches. How do I get my boss to understand social media? In my position as a teacher and a consultant, this is one of the most common questions I hear. So let’s get it out on the table and take on this big topic of SPONSORSHIP.

NEWS FLASH: If you are not being supported by your boss and you hope to pressure him/her into supporting your nascent social media initiative through a “grassroots” effort, it’s not going to work. Not in the long run. For effective, lasting organizational change to occur, it must be supported from the top. How do you gain that support when your boss doesn’t get it?

Many businesses still failing to embrace social media / we are s. Yesterday Econsultancy published their Social Media and Online PR Report, produced in association with bigmouthmedia.

Many businesses still failing to embrace social media / we are s

It’s certainly worth a read. The first thing to point out is that the scope of the research is nothing if not impressive. They received over 1,100 respondents representing 458 client-side organizations and 522 agency / suppliers. One might assume then that it paints a fairly accurate picture of the industry, and of the UK market in particular as Brits made up the majority of respondents. I’ve been through both the report and presentation and assembled a few thoughts on some of the findings.

Just under half of companies (46%) are not yet using reputation or buzz monitoring tools to understand what is being said about their brand. So there are some definite challenges ahead, as social media/digital engagement still appears to be a long way off being something that businesses take seriously. Surely that’s good news? Get the report here. Social Media: Anti-Social, Or An Opportunity For Influence? “Are sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube making it easier for customers to hate you?”

Social Media: Anti-Social, Or An Opportunity For Influence?

This was the question posed by Timothy Taylor in a Globe and Mail story entitled “anti-social media” yesterday. Using examples such as product faults (he cites Dell’s exploding batteries, although I think they were made by Sony…) and contest results (Nissan Cube), he asks the reader to consider whether social media may give voice to critics as much as to companies. In his concluding words, “Everything that makes social media such a powerful tool for brand awareness also makes it a tempting platform for brand sabotage.” Here’s my take. Taylor is certainly right in (at least) one respect – social media does give have the potential voice to a company’s critics. With that said, let’s face it – if your laptop caught fire (regardless of the manufacturer), you’d be talking about it. The Future of Sales is Social (the rise of social CRM) - Trends. Last week I did the keynote presentation in a webinar run by ITNews and Oracle on How to spark sales using social media apps.

The Future of Sales is Social (the rise of social CRM) - Trends

My presentation was titled The Future of Sales is Social. The slides are below, and you can listen to the on demand webinar here (registration required). Study: Ages of social network users. Posted in Tech blog on February 16th, 2010 by Pingdom UPDATE: There is a more recent post available, Social network demographics in 2012.

Study: Ages of social network users

How old is the average Twitter or Facebook user? What about all the other social network sites, like MySpace, LinkedIn, and so on? A Twitterholic’s First 3 Days on Facebook. I consider myself to be a Twitterholic.

A Twitterholic’s First 3 Days on Facebook

Except for on holidays when I’m not working, I’m on Twitter every single day for hours. If I’m on my computer, I’m on Twitter. They go hand in hand in my day. I follow a lot of people, and I have a lot of followers on Twitter. I consider myself to be a pretty experienced tweeter. Since my best friend on Twitter, @mistygirlph, has been telling me how fun Facebook is for about a year, I finally decided to give it a try. First, the good stuff: 1. 2. 3. Now the not so good stuff: 1. 2. 3. The support and love I have received from all of my Twitter friends on Facebook brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. We truly are all one big family, and I didn’t know this until now, but the relationships we build transfer over to other social media sites, which also makes me think they would transfer over into “real life.”

What Drives Consumer Adoption Of New Technologies? I'm participating in a panel discussion this morning during the offsite of a major media company.

What Drives Consumer Adoption Of New Technologies?

They sent me a list of questions in preparation of the event. One of the questions was the title of this post; "What drives consumer adoption of new technologies? ". It's an interesting question and one I've never tried to answer directly in writing. But it's also a question we attempt to answer every day in our firm as we evaluate thousands of new startups every year.

Let's take ten of the most popular new consumer technology products in recent years (with a couple of our portfolio companies in the mix): iPhone, Facebook, Wii, Hulu, FlipCam, Rock Band, Mafia Wars, Blogger, Pandora, and Twitter and let's try to describe in one sentence or less why they broke out (feel free to debate the reasons they broke out in the comments): In most of these cases, the breakthrough product or service delivered a new experience to consumers that they had never had before.

A New Age for Social Media Marketing. InShare7 In 2010, Social Media will rapidly escalate from novelty or perceived necessity to an integrated and strategic business communications, service, and information community and ecosystem.

A New Age for Social Media Marketing

Our experiences and education will foster growth and propel us through each stage of the Social Media Marketing evolution. As MarketingSherpa observes, “2010 is the year where social media marketers gain the experience required to advance from novice to competent practitioner capable of achieving social marketing objectives and proving ROI.” It’s a powerful prediction and it’s one that I also believe. This is your year to excel, teach, and create your own destiny. Study: Males vs. females in social networks. Posted in Tech blog on November 27th, 2009 by Pingdom UPDATE: There is a more recent post available, Social network demographics in 2012.

Study: Males vs. females in social networks

Have you ever wondered how many of Twitter’s users are women? Or men? What about Facebook, MySpace, Digg, LinkedIn, and other sites in the social media sphere? 12 Best Open-Source Social Networking Software.