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Facebook Memes Chat - Socialphy - StumbleUpon. Página de Fans en Facebook: Manual de Iniciación en la Creación y G... Manual de creación de FanPage en Facebook. HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Facebook Insights for Small Business. David Hartstein is a partner at Wired Impact, a web design company that builds websites for nonprofits.

You can connect with David on Twitter and the Wired Impact Facebook Page. You’re a small business owner and you've decided to create a Facebook Page for your company. Or you’re an employee in an organization and, since you are the only one who "gets" social media, you’ve been charged with running a Facebook Page.

You set it up and make it look nice. You put up some photos and videos that you think represent the organization well. You e-mail a bunch of your friends and the page has almost 100 "Likes. " Enter Facebook Insights, a powerful analytical tool that can help any organization evaluate the effectiveness of its Facebook presence. The following scenarios are illustrations of how a fictional small business, "Bill’s Tech Company," can leverage Facebook Insights to evaluate the effectiveness of its new Facebook Business Page. Facebook Insights Overview Scenario 1: Are “Likes” Enough?

Top 5 Facebook Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. While Facebook marketing is on the rise among small businesses, many are still struggling to master the basics. "Many people have difficulty with just the basic Page set up," says social media marketing consultant Nicole Krug. "For example, I still see people setting up their business as a profile page instead of a business Page. I have other clients who jumped into Groups when they came out and have divided their fan base.

" Here are five more common Facebook marketing mistakes to avoid: 1. Ask any social marketing consultant what the number-one no-no is on Facebook, and he'll likely tell you it's "broadcasting" your messages instead of providing fans with relevant content and engaging on an continual basis. "Your job is to interact, not just to broadcast," says Shankman. 2. 3. Facebook Marketing Essentials. Genius is an often misused word and often conjures up images of academic achievement.

The reality is that everyone within them has the ability to synergize and combine their innate natural talents with their passion and become a genius where life flows and has purpose. Intelligence and creativity is not the preserve of universities or the hallowed halls of learning. It thrives in dance studios, office cubicles, lofts and in nooks and crannies, wherever passion and aptitude connect. Facebook Provides a Pulpit Too many people have gone to their grave with their song unsung and the democratization of publishing is now providing multimedia pulpits and platforms for people to display their talents and genius on a global stage.

Social networks and technology are revealing talent that previously would have remained undiscovered. So what are 5 Facebook pages with a touch of “Genius”? 5 Facebook Pages with a Touch of Genius 1. Users share photos, stories, and comments on sales. 2. 3. 4. 5. The 15 Best Facebook Pages You've Ever Seen. With more than 1.23 billion users, Facebook is a major player in the world of social networking. Businesses looking to market using Facebook have one major tool at their disposal: the Facebook Page. Facebook Pages were specifically engineered for businesses. They provide a public home on Facebook for a business, and they allow businesses to publish content and receive comments and feedback from fans and customers. Download our free guide to creating an awesome Facebook Business Page of your own here. Facebook Pages are a simple tool, but they allow for many interesting business opportunities. So we combed through the web to find 15 Facebook Pages that you absolutely MUST see. 1) L.L.

Why It's Awesome: This is an example of a Page that focuses on the customer. 2) Intrepid Travel 3) Threadless 4) Nutella Why It's Awesome: How can one hazelnut spread have such an awesome Facebook Page? 5) Zappos 6) National Hockey League Why It's Awesome: The NHL rocks Facebook. 7) Tough Mudder 8) St. 9) Starbucks. 4 Essential Facebook Page Apps to Improve Communication With Fans.

This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. The number of Facebook applications can seem a little overwhelming at times. While Facebook doesn’t share an exact number, an independent website called AppData monitors trends for over 100,000 Facebook applications, which is a lot to sift through. As a business, trying to determine which of those apps can help your organization can be daunting.

To get you started, here are four essential Facebook apps that allow you to better reach and communicate with your audience, as well as save you time for all those other things you have to do. 1. Tweets to Pages — Display Your Twitter Feed Tweets to Pages, which has 1.2 million monthly active users, will create a tab on your Facebook Page that displays a timeline of your company’s most recent tweets. 2. 3. The biggest advantage of this app is its customization options. 4. Stop Focusing on your Facebook PAGE. The Checklist All Facebook Pages Absolutely Must Have. 10 Formas de Conseguir Más Fans para tu Página de Facebook. En estos últimos meses, Facebook se ha convertido en una plataforma muy valiosa para mi marca.

Básicamente por dos razones: (1) Facebook es el sitio que más tráfico de referencia me manda al blog (como puedes ver en la imagen); y (2), me permite conectar con mis seguidores de una forma más directa y personal. En otras palabras, me está ayudando a crear una comunidad alrededor de mi marca. Tú también puedes (debes) hacer lo mismo. Esto no habría sido posible de no haber conseguido atraer un número considerable de seguidores a mi página de Facebook. Este artículo trata básicamente de eso: diferentes formas de atraer fans a tu página que funcionan. Mi caso es prueba de ello. Dicho esto y como ya debes saber, la cantidad no lo es todo en la vida y tampoco lo es en Facebook. Cantidad + Actividad = Resultados Por ejemplo, una página con 1.000 fans puede proporcionar mejores resultados que una página con 10.000 fans según el grado de actividad de éstos con los contenidos que se publiquen. 1. 2. 3. Cómo Crear una Landing Page para tu Página de Facebook.

Desde el 11 de marzo de 2011, hace cosa de 2 meses, Facebook no permite crear páginas de bienvenida (también conocidas como landing page) con la aplicación FBML estático. Por lo tanto, mi artículo Cómo Personalizar tu Página de Facebook queda parcialmente obsoleto. Este es mi nuevo tutorial para que desde hoy mismo tú también puedas personalizar la página de bienvenida de tu página de Facebook. Vamos a ello. Nota: Si tú, al igual que yo, ya dispones de una página de bienvenida o página de aterrizaje creada en su día con la aplicación FBML estático no tienes de que preocuparte. Dicho esto, te recomiendo que leas este artículo por si quisieras hacer cambios en tu página de aterrizaje en el futuro. Qué es una landing page Antes de seguir, recuerda que una landing page o página de aterrizaje es aquella página que tus visitas en Facebook ven primero (lugar al que aterrizan).

Cómo crear una landing page con HTML Lo primero de todo es añadir la aplicación a tu página de Facebook.