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Pinterestingly Enough: Who Uses Pinterest? Pinterest Case Study. Community Curation Indigo, Canada’s largest book, gift, and specialty toy retailer, is a premier source for ideas and inspiration throughout Canada.

Pinterest Case Study

The company’s website, also supports an active and award-winning online community. Site members can contribute in a number of ways including making comments on products and leaving reviews after making purchases. As users interact with site content, they are encouraged to bring in new users by sharing their reviews and comments to their preferred social networks. As a result, the site serves as both a popular online storefront as well as a leading source for book, gift, and specialty item recommendations. Indigo is using Gigya’s social infrastructure to power many community features on For example, Gigya’s Social Plugins for sharing and commenting allow users to seamlessly syndicate content to multiple social networks, and leave comments after authenticating with their Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn account. A Better Way to Share. Pinterest – Some Killer Case Studies on Brands that are Rocking it - Helios Design.

Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social networks, driving more referral traffic than Google+, YouTube, Reddit, and LinkedIn combined (according to Shareaholic).

Pinterest – Some Killer Case Studies on Brands that are Rocking it - Helios Design

Visitor-wise it is the third most popular social network (right behind Twitter and Facebook) and is estimated to be worth $ 7.7 billion dollars by Forbes. One of the reasons it is so successful with online retailers is that users are said to trust and act on Pinterest recommendations more than other social network. This is one of the reasons it’s considered the “powerbroker in online retailing” by Forbes. Before you sign up for your brand page, here are some quick tips: Tip #1: Promote a lifestyle Pinterest is all about showcasing the heart of your brand in a fun way, rather than promoting your products or services directly. If you’ve ever been part of a corporate identity design exercise, you will have gone through brand personality questions such as: Pinterest Marketing Case Studies.

Even though Pinterest arrived at the scene relatively recently, it quickly made waves in the social media scene.

Pinterest Marketing Case Studies

Now that Pinterest has addressed user concerns about its Terms of Service, you should not be hesitant to use it in your social media marketing campaigns. But the question arises, how exactly should you use Pinterest to promote your business? The idea of a Pinterest is, of course, not new. Many social bookmarking and curation websites before it allowed you to share pictures, with the same kinds of functionalities.

Just before Pinterest, Instagram also made it big as a social picture sharing service. 1) Calypso St. Calypso St. The Calypso St. 2) McKay Flooring – using Pinterest and Instagram together Who’s to say you cannot use ‘competing’ social media services together? In this case, when McKay Flooring observed how Instagram conveniently connects to Twitter and allows hashtags, they used the service to run a hashtag contest. 3) Toys-R-Us: pinning from email to Pinterest share.