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Casanova’s Four Secrets Of Seduction: Why Casanova’s Famous | As far back as I remember I have been fascinated by Giacomo Casanova and his history of seduction. But what made Casanova so seductive? Let’s find out! Women everywhere giggle at the sound of Casanova’s name. And men? Men everywhere call him gay, hate him or ignore him… mostly out of jealousy that they do their best to hide. But why does Casanova, the 18th century seducer still affect people to this very day?

Short answer: no one has played the dating game as well as he did before him… OR after him. Looks like a spoiled rich snob with fake hair doesn’t he? Needless to say, you could learn a whole bunch of stuff from the world’s greatest seducer. Casanova’s First Secret of Seduction: Attraction Is Relative What happens when you meet a poor girl from the ghettos of Brazil and take her to a three star restaurant, go out with her in a club where the entry fee is $10, and then take her to your three star hotel room?

She will love you to death for it! - What IS an exciting lifestyle? But no. Mission for Newbies - By mystery - Mystery Method, PUA, Pickup Seduction Routines. Author: "Mystery"date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00 GMT newsgroup: alt.seduction.fastsubject: MISSION for NEWBIES...Now is the time to stop Babe-watching. Get into a fun mood (which I know is hard for the very first girl but you can fake it) and walk up to many girls I undertand that internal challenge many newbies feel. I must deal with many emotions before during and after I go out to meet girls. Before is loneliness. Now is the time to stop Babe-watching. Example: girl is there. shes only a 7. walk up and say, "Hi.

Now, do that to EVERY girl you can. THAT is your mission. As for the Go For It attitude, this will only come AFTER the first success in the day. This is the only TRICK to getting the attitude you wish. No stop reading and get out there and meet 20 strangers for fun. Approach Anxiety. Frame Control, Defining Reality, and Being High-Value. Bejeebus wrote: i bookmarked this page and have been checking up on it every now and then to see if you post something new. your posts are just inspiring. i hate reading long posts, but your post is definitely totally worth it. Thanks, dawg. You know you can just do a thread setup thing where you get email notification when a reply is posted, right? Also, I totally welcome all comments up in here.

I figured out a while back that the process of becoming more attractive is more a process of shedding, of discarding, than a process of adding. Guess what: girls like you. If you're in a day-to-day environment with a lot of girls (I'm thinking college here), a given percentage of them have a crush on you. And by "there's no telling," I mean "there is absolutely no logically deducible reason why girl x or girl y likes you.

" It could be absolutely anything. And the "caliber" of girls that have crushes on you is likely to have no relation whatsoever to the amount of "game" you have. First, your ego. To game you need a good arsenal of music--observe.