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Dandelion Soap Made With the Whole Plant. Dandelion Soap Made With the Whole Plant. Mydło naturalne - wykonanie krok po kroku. Nadszedł czas, aby podzielić się z Tobą moim sposobem na samodzielnie wykonane mydło naturalne. Nie kupuję go w sklepie, bo nawet tzw. “naturalne mydła” renomowanych producentów pozostawiają często wiele do życzenia, zawierają w sobie zaskakujące, niepotrzebne, nierzadko szkodliwe składniki. Tymczasem samodzielne wykonanie mydła naprawdę nie jest trudne! Pamiętasz może to zdjęcie, które zamieściłam na blogu w kwietniu? Czym właściwie jest mydło? Mydła to sole kwasów tłuszczowych, powstają w wyniku reakcji tłuszczów (roślinnych lub zwierzęcych) z zasadami. Proces zmydlania kwasów tłuszczowych może przebiegać na dwa sposoby: metodą na ciepło – poprzez długie gotowanie mieszaniny tłuszczu i ługu (czyli roztworu wodorotlenku sodu lub potasu)metodą na zimno – przez mieszanie tłuszczu i ługu bez gotowania, co jest bardziej czasochłonne, pozwala jednak zachować więcej wartościowych składników, które zginęłyby w wysokiej temperaturze.

Jak przygotować się do wykonania naturalnego mydła? Dodatki. DIY Zrób Mydło z kasztanów do cery naczyniowej. Z kasztanów można zrobić wiele ciekawych kosmetyków np. kasztanowe mydełko do mycia rąk, płyn do kąpieli, a nawet maseczkę do cery naczyniowej. Kasztany zawierają escynę, jest to mieszanina saponin, oprócz właściwości myjący posiadają właściwości łagodzące, obkurczające naczynia krwionośne. Gorąco zachęcam do sporządzenia domowych kosmetyków z kasztanów :). Jakie kosmetyki można zrobić z kasztanów? 1. Płyn do kąpieli, 2. 3. Jak sporządzić mydło z kasztanów 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Uwaga. Jakie korzyści przynosi płyn do kąpieli, mydełko i maseczka z kasztanowca? Ujędrnia,wzmacnia, poprawia wygląd i kondycję skóryuszczelnia naczynia krwionośne,przywraca elastyczność skórze,posiada właściwości myjące Inne ciekawe preparaty z kasztanowca znajdziesz Tutaj.

DIY Zrób Mydło z kasztanów do cery naczyniowej. Mydło z kasztanów - dla cery naczynkowej. - Herbiness. O kasztanowym mydle Wikingów opowiedział mi Franek, syn Moniki ze zlotu zielarskiego. Ten sam, który w wieku 3 lat potrafił odróżnić liście łopianu od lepiężnika różowego, czym bardzo mi zaimponował. Franek ma już 10 lat więcej i teraz interesuje się głównie historią, jednak pięknie wyłapuje survivalowo-botaniczne ciekawostki. Wikingowie powszechnie uważani są za brudasów, tymczasem badania archeologiczne ujawniły, że na tle średniowiecznej Europy wyróżniali się czystością. Wykorzystywali nawet naturalne źródła saponin, jak owoce kasztanowca – do higieny osobistej i do prania.

Saponiny – ta nazwa kojarzy się z mydłem, prawidłowo. To naturalne substancje myjące, lekko się pienią i usuwają napięcie powierzchniowe – usuwanie brudu jest wtedy łatwe. Mydło z kasztanów – przepis. Wykonanie mydła jest dziecinnie proste: obierz 10 kasztanów z rudej skórki, dolej 200 ml destylowanej wody, zmiksuj na gładką masę. Jak przechowywać takie mydło. Oto kilka zdjęć z wioski Wikingów w miejscowości Wolin. Hajduczek naturalnie. Tvål - startsida för att tillverka dina egna tvålar - Organic Makers. Ett annat, lite enklare sätt att göra egna tvålar är att använda sig av en färdig tvålmassa, Melt & Pour. Tvålmassa Melt & Pour är ett halvfabrikat, speciellt framtaget för att kunna smälta tvålmassan och tillsätta små mängder av egna boosters i form av oljor, extrakt, leror, örter, färger och dofter.

Vi har valt ut en samling bra naturliga och ekologiska tvålmassor utan sulfater och syntetiska tensider för att göra en så naturlig tvål som möjligt. Det finns också en certifierat ekologisk tvålmassa att välja. Tvålmassa Melt & Pour smälts i mikrovågsugn, vattenbad eller dubbelkokare. Här hittar du våra färdiga tvålmassor Melt & Pour > Kallrörd tvål - Bastilletvål med lavendel - Organic Makers. Du behöver en noggrann våg för att väga upp ingredienserna, och en stavmixer för att mixa tvålen. Väg upp den rumstempererade kokosoljan och olivoljan i den behållare du ska göra tvålen i*. Väg upp tillsatserna (Du kan också skippa tillsaterna och göra en helt ”ren” bastilletvål utan lila mica, lavendelblommor och doft). Väg upp vattnet i en värmetålig bägare. Väg upp luten i en kemikalietålig bägare (använd handskar och skyddsglasögon). Blanda lutlösningen genom att hälla den uppmätta luten i det uppmätta vattnet.

Häll nu den varma lutlösningen över oljor och fetter i tillverkningsbehållaren och rör om med en glasstav eller rostfritt verktyg. När allt har smält har blandningen en temperatur på 40-50°. Mixa med mixerstaven i korta intervaller. När smeten börjar tjockna lite lyfter du mixerstaven och låter lite tvålsmet från staven droppa ner på ytan. Nu är det dags att blanda ner eterisk olja och rör om noga med t.ex en slickepott. Nu ska tvålen gå igenom gel-fas och hårdna.

DIY Basic Cold Process Soap - DIY. DIY Artisanal Soaps (Adams Media, 2016), by Alicia Grosso equips readers with everything they need to begin making their own beautiful soaps right at home. Grosso lists the main ingredients needed, plus recipes on how to personalize your soaps to be perfect for your home. In this excerpt, she gives her recipe for making a basic cold-process soap. • 6 ounces water • 2 1/4 ounces lye • 10 ounces olive oil • 6 ounces coconut oil • 1 tablespoon castor oil 1.

Put on all protective gear, including goggles, gloves, and long sleeves. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. This is your first batch of cold-processed lye soap! Make sure to add your observations to your soapmaking journal. It is very likely that you’ll want to make more soap as soon as possible. Taking the Next Step When you are ready to make a larger batch, try one of the 4-pound recipes in Chapter 4.

When you make a large batch of plain soap, you can use it as usual, of course. Rewards for Waiting Cooling the Lye More from: DIY Artisanal Soaps. 12 Best Natural Soap Recipes Anyone Can Make At Home - No Experience Needed! Soap making can take a minute to get the hang of, but it’s incredibly practical – and unbelievably artistic, too. Check out some of our favorite soap recipes! First, though, a quick primer on how to make soap. At its core, soapmaking involves combining vegetable or animal fats with a strong alkaline, typically lye.

The process, called saponification, is the chemical reaction between these two elements. For the novice soapmaker, the “melt and pour” process is the easiest place to begin. More advanced soapmaking involves the traditional “cold process”. The upside of cold processed soap is you have more control over the ingredients you use and the soap will last much longer than melt and pour soaps. Things You’ll Need: Homemade Soap Recipes: 1. With the ability to soothe sunburns, heal wounds, treat acne, moisturize, and defy the outward signs of aging, aloe vera is truly an amazing specimen and the perfect candidate for soapmaking. See how it’s done at Mother Earth News. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. No-Grate Homemade Laundry Soap. Despite all the enthusiasm over making homemade laundry detergent recently…I continue to hear murmurings from those who just can’t bring themselves to grate soap and cook it on the stove.

It apparently just isn’t going to happen. :-) I’m not naming any names…but my older sister would probably freely admit she didn’t decide to even attempt making her own laundry detergent UNTIL I told her about this “new” recipe I was testing out. (I know it seems like I’m always “picking on” her…but she called me a “brat” on her blog recently…so she pretty much deserves it. lol).

Once again I have to credit the incredible readers of this blog for my inspiration. Tiffanie posted this on February 4th….A close friend of mine has been making laundry soap like this one for years, until just recently she found an easier one to make and passed it on to us. 3 Tablespoons Borax3 Tablespoons Washing Soda2 Tablespoons Dawn Dish soap Put these ingredients in a one gallon jug. February 4, 2012 8:59 PM. Bamboo Charcoal Soap Recipe. Bamboo charcoal powder is prized in Asia for its skin care benefits. It’s great to use with any skin type, but absolutely heaven for oily skin! Charcoal powder absorbs toxins, impurities and excess oil by penetrating deep into the pores. It will gently exfoliate your skin without leaving any residues behind, and its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties make it ideal for anyone who suffers from acne, psoriasis and eczema. When in contact with water, charcoal powder releases many beneficial minerals, such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, creating a soothing, relaxing hot spring-water like effect.

This recipe makes a lovely soap with a rich black lather that cleanses deeply and leaves the skin feeling soft and refreshed: Run this recipe through a lye calculator to find out how much lye, water and oils you’ll need for a given amount of soap. 9.6 oz palm oil8 oz olive oil8 oz coconut oil4.8 oz palm kernel oil1.6 oz castor oil12.1 oz water4.7 oz lye (NaOH)1 tbsp bamboo charcoal powder. Making Slow Cooker Soap. When I first started making soap, somewhere in the back of my mind was the question: how can I speed up the curing process? Normally in cold process soap making, it takes 4-6 weeks for soap to cure fully. I’ve had a few batches that were ready in 2-3 weeks, but always seems to take longer…until I found out about crock pot soap.

Basic Recipe To start a good batch of crock pot soap, you don’t need to do anything special. That’s right, you can use any recipe for cold process soap. ¾ cup cool water – use distilled or filtered water (find the best water purification systems here)¼ cup lye – also called 100% sodium hydroxide (find it here or at local hardware stores)⅔ cup olive oil (find a good value on olive oil here)⅔ cup coconut oil (buy it in bulk for soap making here)⅔ cup other liquid oil such as grapeseed, almond, sunflower, or safflower oil (find them here) The process Pour the water into a quart canning jar.

The Secret At this point, turn the heat off. Have you ever made crock pot soap? Making Soap Without Lye | ThriftyFun. Handmade, Homemade Soap Recipes: Simply Lavender Soap. The following is an excerpt from Soapmaking the Natural Way: 45 Melt-and-Pour Recipes Using Herbs, Flowers and Essential Oils by Rebecca Ittner (Lark Crafts, 2010). This excerpt is part of Chapter 4: Luxuriate. Perhaps the easiest recipe in this book, the Simply Lavender soap is perfect for the first-time soap maker.

Dried lavender flowers look like little pods when added to soap. If you prefer a more textured look, crush the flowers using a mortar and pestle. Materials 1 teaspoon lavender essential oil 2 teaspoons dried lavender flowers 1 pound olive oil melt-and-pour suspension soap Tools Double boiler with lid Glass measuring cup: 4-cup Large knife Measuring spoons Metal spoon for stirring Mold: silicone muffin pan Rubber spatula Spray bottle filled with rubbing alcohol Instructions 1. 2. 3.

Read the original article, "Handmade, Home Soap Recipes: The Art of Natural Soap Making. " Make It, Don’t Buy It: Simple Homemade Soaps. Just as it’s important to care about the quality of foods that go into our bodies, so too is it important to care about the products we put on our skin. Soap, one of the most ubiquitous body-care products, rids our skin of daily grime, makeup, dead skin cells and oxidized sebum. Yet, whether in the form of a body wash, foaming cleanser or bar, many soaps on the market are filled with harsh detergents that can damage our skin.

For example, synthetic fragrances, often made up of a slew of chemical ingredients, have been linked to allergies and migraines; and the antibacterial chemical triclosan is a possible carcinogen. You can avoid these health hazards, save money and have fun by crafting your own soaps at home. It requires a few basic ingredients, doesn’t take a ton of man power and can be very cost-effective.

Plus, they make great gifts! Simple Soap Recipes • Energizing Mint Soap Recipe • Calendula, Honey and Oatmeal Soap Recipe Soap Molds 101 3 Soapmaking Tips 1. 2. 3. Castile Soap Recipe Keeping Backyard Bees. Castile Soap By Leeann Coleman & Jayne Barnes Castile soap is the most basic and gentlest of all soaps, made from a simple recipe of saponified olive oil and beeswax.

The soap has no lather, but provides excellent, gentle cleaning. The beeswax in this recipe makes the bars hard and long lasting. Doctors often recommend castile soap to their patients with allergy-prone or reactive skin types, as well as for babies. This is a basic recipe for a scentless soap. Important Safety Note You should always take care when using lye. Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Unmolding Tips Soapmakers struggle with unmolding all the time. When the soap is ready to unmold, if all has gone as it should, all you’ll have to do is turn the mold over and the beautiful soap will just fall out onto the table. Excerpted from Honey Crafting: From Delicious Honey Butter to Healing Salves, Projects for Your Home Straight from the Hive written by Leeann Coleman & Jayne Barnes, Copyright © 2013 by F+W Media, Inc. Tags. How to Make Soap From Yucca Roots. Soap Making 101 - Making Cold Process Soap. While there are other methods of making soap (hot process and melt & pour), this tutorial will provide a basic overview on how to make your own all natural cold process soaps.

It will be added to the Soapmaking page on my blog along with other helpful links and recipes; so be sure to bookmark or pin it for easy reference. (For more in-depth information including tips on coloring soap naturally, how to read a lye calculator, plus 25 of my favorite palm oil free recipes, check out my ebook: Natural Soap Making: Cold Process Basics & Recipes!)

Making soap is one of my favorite hobbies. There are so many ways to personalize a single recipe, that I rarely make the same soap twice! Once you get the hang of it, you will never want to go back to store-bought again! A few things to note, before we start: Many people are afraid to make soap because it involves handling lye. Okay! (1. . ) (2. . ) (3. . ) (4. . ) (5. . ) (6. . ) (7. . ) (8. . ) (9. . ) (10. . ) (11. . ) (12.) This wraps up my post on the basics of soap making. How to Make Soap from Ashes - Modern Homesteading. If it hadn't been for the help we got from the native old-timers . . . my friend, Dennis, and I would have starved or just plain quit the winter we settled into that abandoned miner's cabin in Alaska. The sourdoughs came to our rescue, though, and soon taught us how to survive on less than $10 a month cash money by trapping, tanning, foraging food and dipping candles from our own tallow and lard.

With their generous assistance, we also quickly mastered the fine and easy art of recycling hardwood ashes and left-over kitchen fats into clean, all purpose soap. Soap Making Is Almost Automatic Now, soap making in the woods can be an almost automatic thing. Anyone who's done much camping knows that — if you throw some white ashes from a hardwood fire into your frying pan after dinner — the lye in the ash will combine with the fat from the cooking to make a crude soap. You should have a wooden box two inches high, three inches wide and six inches long handy. Make a Lye Leaching Barrel. This Clever Soap DIY Will Really Soften Up Your Skin. Low Cost Ways To Make Your Own All-Natural Soap.

S Homemade Soap Recipe by Robert Wayne Atkins. Fruit and Herb Soaps. Easy Soap Recipe - Step by Step Tutorial. Making Soap: Yes You Can! How to Make Natural Liquid Soap.