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Hellishly Active Sunspot Heard On Radios Worldwide. *** ENTRE ONDAS *** Search for SWL Broadcasters by Frequency at NRC Short Wave Station Broadcasts (CHU) - Services. Time accuracy superior to telephone time accuracy is available throughout Canada and in many other parts of the world by means of NRC's radio time signals broadcast continuously from short wave radio station CHU.

NRC Short Wave Station Broadcasts (CHU) - Services

If corrections are made for the propagation delay from CHU to the user, and for delays in the user's receiver, an accuracy of better than 1 ms can be obtained. Signal availability at a user's location depends on ionospheric conditions. Tiempo universal coordinado. Mapa de husos horarios (2011).

Tiempo universal coordinado

El tiempo universal coordinado o UTC (de una transigencia entre la versión en inglés: Universal Time Coordinated y la versión en francés: Temps Universel Coordonné) es el principal estándar de tiempo por el cual el mundo regula los relojes y el tiempo. Es uno de los varios sucesores estrechamente relacionados con el tiempo medio de Greenwich (GMT). Shortwave Radio Stations and International Broadcasters. Short Wave Radio Instructions. Shortwave radio. Shortwave Radio Stations List.