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Selenoproteins. + Author Affiliations ↵1 To whom correspondence should be addressed.


E-mail: Abstract. Selenium, selenoproteins and human health. Structure n Function. Regulation and function of selenoproteins in human disease. Endometriosis. "I was diagnosed with endometriosis about 6 years ago.


I was told by my gynecologist to go on birth control and have surgery which wouldn't be a permanent fix. Knowing that there was no way that I could live my life in chronic pain and not wanting to have synthetic hormones effecting my body, I searched all over the place for naturopathic treatment or cures. I was on natural hormones, diets, drinks and so on. Selenium, The Nutrient of Protection. Can I Get Enough Selenium from My Food?

Dr. Peter Langsjoen discusses the clinical implications of Coenzyme Q10 IAOMT 2007 L.V.