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Seesmic Major Milestones

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Seesmic Focuses On The Social Enterprise; Debuts Android, iPad Apps For Salesforce CRM. Social application developer Seesmic is making a big move into the social enterprise and is debuting a dedicated Android app and iPad app for Salesforce’s CRM product (Windows Phone 7 will also be added soon), called Seesmic CRM.

Seesmic Focuses On The Social Enterprise; Debuts Android, iPad Apps For Salesforce CRM

The Android app will be launched tomorrow morning at Salesforce’s annual conference, Dreamforce, and Seesmic will launch the iPad app in a few weeks. Support Ticket System. TV. Loic Le Meur's New Startup Launches: Seesmic. The rumors were correct.

Loic Le Meur's New Startup Launches: Seesmic

Loic Le Meur, a well known European entrepreneur that recently relocated to San Francisco, will unveil his new video startup, Seesmic, this morning into a closed beta. The service is very much in “alpha” and they’ve only given away a few test accounts. They’ll start to give more over the next few days – just sign up on the Seesmic home page to get one. Look for a full launch I’ve been testing the service over the weekend and, even though it is yet another video startup, I think Seesmic is both fun and addictive. Screen shots and full review are below. Seesmic Acquires Popular Twitter AIR Client Twhirl. San Francisco video/chat startup Seesmic has acquired Twhirl, a popular application created by German developer Marco Kaiser that allows users to access the Twitter service directly from their desktop, and also cross post to other services like Pownce and Jaiku.

Seesmic Acquires Popular Twitter AIR Client Twhirl

The acquisition price is not being disclosed. Twhirl is considered among the better third party Twitter applications. ReadWriteWeb, for example, just yesterday identified it as the third most used method for posting to the Twittersphere, behind the web and instant messaging, and just in front of Twitterific. It has been downloaded 100,000 or so times. Seesmic says they will continue development of the application and eventually integrate their own service into Twhirl, making it the official Seemsic desktop client. Seesmic Lays Off Seven More: Video « Getting The UnParty Started: Seesmic Lays Off 1/3 Of Staff. Seesmic Unveils A Formidable New Twitter Client To Rival Tweetdeck: Seesmic Desktop. I’m live blogging from video conversation platform Seesmic’s headquarters, where Seesmic’s founder Loic Le Meur, is previewing a new Twitter client.

Seesmic Unveils A Formidable New Twitter Client To Rival Tweetdeck: Seesmic Desktop

We reported earlier about the unveiling of the site. Le Meur says that this is still a work in progress and ongoing changes will made to the product. iPhone Apps- Seesmic vs. Tweetdeck. These two iPhone Twitter clients bring similar functionality, that make them head to head competitors.

iPhone Apps- Seesmic vs. Tweetdeck

But they have some distinct features that have me puzzled. I am late to Twitter. I only "got it" when someone explained to me that it is a very abbreviated blog, only more spontaneous. With that, I got into it. You really should follow me. Of course, I started on my Macbook Pro, using Twitter's native interface online. TweetDeck Desktop vs Seesmic Desktop: REMATCH! TweetDeck is raking in the buzz with the announcement of its new iPhone app, and an updated version of the desktop application that so many of you have come to love.

TweetDeck Desktop vs Seesmic Desktop: REMATCH!

Given that Seesmic Desktop has dominated our coverage recently, we thought it best to revisit our head-to-head and see which of the two desktop Twitter and Facebook apps come out on top this time. If you recall from the first go-around, TweetDeck came out slightly ahead but we accurately surmised that Seesmic Desktop wouldn't surrender without a fight. Since that initial duel, we've seen Seesmic Desktop update a number of times, including today's most recent update with integrations for social media super users and crossposting to multiple accounts.

Is it time for a rematch? Leveling The Playing Field Since the last battle, both desktop clients seem to be lifting ideas from each others' playbooks. So Much for Video Conversations: Seesmic Puts Its Video Service on Hold. When you hear the name Seesmic today, chances are that you are thinking about a Twitter client, but once upon a time, Seesmic was a much-hyped online "video conversation" service.

So Much for Video Conversations: Seesmic Puts Its Video Service on Hold

Now, however, after a recent redesign, the Seesmic homepage basically doesn't mention the video service anymore and the video service has moved to its own subdomain. In a new video, Seesmic founder, Loic Le Meur, reveals that Seesmic's video conversation site hasn't seen any growth in the last couple of months and that Seesmic plans to focus on its Twitter client in order to give Seesmic, the company, a chance to survive. This author argued that video conversations, at least in the way Seesmic envisioned them, simply pose too many barriers of entry to become a mainstream phenomenon. Some of these barriers are technical, but mostly, they are psychological, as a lot of people simply don't feel comfortable in front of a camera. Pinging In The New Year: Seesmic Acquires Seesmic Launches App For Windows Phone; Rolls Out New Silverlight-Powered Desktop Client. Startup Seesmic has perfected the art of developing compelling Twitter clients on a variety of platforms.

Seesmic Launches App For Windows Phone; Rolls Out New Silverlight-Powered Desktop Client

Developers In Denial: The Seesmic Case Study. Alert The Enterprise: Seesmic Integrates With Salesforce Chatter. How businesses and brands deal with social media has become one of the defining issues of the recent web era.

Alert The Enterprise: Seesmic Integrates With Salesforce Chatter

Today a pretty big leap is taking place which may define the next phase. Two of the biggest players have come together to create certainly one of the slickest and most seamless integrations I’ve yet seen of the realtime social web and enterprise worlds. SAP demos new Twitter integration. Barney Beal, News Director Published: 18 Jan 2010 Like many of its competitors, SAP has begun integrating social networks into its CRM product.

SAP demos new Twitter integration

And, like many of its competitors, SAP has started with Twitter. SAP CRM 7.0 has all key objects exposed as Web services allowing SAP to connect the Twitter API to SAP CRM. Additionally, the Business Objects Text Analyzer serves to provide sentiment analysis. Combined SAP is enabling users to monitor and interact with their customers who want to connect to the company through the rapidly expanding social networking channel.

When you register, you'll begin receiving targeted emails from my team of award-winning editorial writers on the latest customer relationship management (CRM) and call center technology issues today. Seesmic Launches App For Windows Phone; Rolls Out New Silverlight-Powered Desktop Client. Meet Seesmic For Windows Phone 7. LOIC LEMEUR PIVOTS AGAIN: Raises $4 Million From And Turns Seesmic Into Corporate Tool. SAP demos new Twitter integration - John Stauffer's Posterous. How We Tweet: The Definitive List of the Top Twitter Clients. Last November we put up a guide to the most popular Twitter clients. For that post we looked at a random sample of 717 tweets from a handful of heavy Twitter users and identified 19 different ways people interacted with the service.

Twitter has one of the fastest growing application ecosystems of any web service outside of Facebook. For this post, we looked at 37,248 tweets and found 142 different ways in which people interact with the Twitter service. Some of the results, which follow below, were rather surprising. How We Gathered Data We used the Twitter API to monitor the public feed and capture data on 37,248 tweets over a 24 hour period. Because we ran our script on a shared host, we limited our script to running at 60 second intervals and grabbed the 20 tweets listed in the public feed every 60 seconds. The script that we used to do this was created for us by developer Kelli Shaver, who also compiled the data for the PDF report linked to later in this post.