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Assignment 1 Gallery Walk (530/Fall 2020)

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EBSCO Job & Career Accelerator (Angela) What is it?

EBSCO Job & Career Accelerator (Angela)

EBSCO Job & Career Accelerator is a database that will help you :Explore careers Find scholarshipsDiscover schoolsWrite ResumesFind Internships & JobsPrepare for an interviewOffer computer skill resources. Gale Educator's References Complete (Brandon) Brandon Dyer 530_90_Assignment 1 Who is the Database for?

Gale Educator's References Complete (Brandon)

Gale Educator's References Complete is aimed towards teachers, administrators, and Undergraduate or Graduate students that are studying in the field of education. Educators in different disciplines can find resourceful information to incorporate into a professional event, research, or course work. Gale Educator's Reference Complete is a comprehensive database that provided educators and graduate students studying in the field of Education, with instant access to more than 1,100 periodicals, as well as 200 reports from the United States Department of Education. Gale Educator Reference Complete is an amazing resource for educators to share academic information with one another and contribute to the on-going advances in educations.

The Scope of Gale Educator Reference Complete Gale provides thousands upon thousands of educational records among different disciplines. HeinOnline (Brianne) What does HeinOnline have to offer?

HeinOnline (Brianne)

Users can search the full-text of primary and secondary legal publications, such as:Federal, state, and international laws and regulationsCaselawTreatisesLegal journals and periodicalsTreaties and agreements Who will benefit from searching HeinOnline? The research items HeinOnline can benefit a wide range of users including: Legal ResearchersLaw LibrariansJudgesLegislatorsAttorneysParalegalsMembers of the general public with legal research needs --> The easy-to-use interface means you don't have to be an expert searcher!

Search Options Users can browse databases on HeinOnline by: 1. Jurisdictionresource typepublisher 2. American Bar Association JournalsSession Laws LibraryU.S. Search Features. Oral History Online (Cecelia) Education Collection (Christina) So, why choose Education Collection?

Education Collection (Christina)

Education Collection can be accessed through ProQuest. Education Collection provides access to both ERIC and the full-text Education Database. They provide Education Collection with abstracts, indexing and full text coverage of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, working papers and more, including full-text from hundreds of leading education journals. Education Collection can also be searched as part of the Social Science Premium Collection. Majority of the content spans from 1980-present. Value Line (Dana) HealthMedVideo (Dylan) LION (Gabby) A Guide For New Library Science College Graduates I'll be Your Guide!

LION (Gabby)

I'm Gabriella, an MLS Student at Rutgers! I have a Bachelor's in English, and am combining my knowledge from my studies in order to help you become a better researcher. Get a cup of coffee (or tea), sit down, and enjoy this guide. First, It is Important To Note That... Research is dynamic! There are dozens of databases out there, from all types of subjects, such as Mathematics, Language Arts, and Science. Classroom Video on Demand Tutorial (Halie) 530 Assignment 1 Referencia Latina (Jackie) A Guide to Factiva (Jill) Gale Environmental Science Tutorial (Jo) APA PsycInfo Database Overview (Julia) Information and features to get started About PsycInfo PsycInfo is a database focused on the behavioral sciences, with coverage dating from 1806 - present.

APA PsycInfo Database Overview (Julia)

It includes abstracts and citations, with full text articles offered through its sister database, PsycArticles. Content is updated weekly. This is a highly focused database that curates trustworthy academic content in the below fields. Topics Covered:Behavioral sciencesMental healthPsychiatryPsychologySocial scienceNeuroscienceSocial work Type of Content: Abstracts and indexing for 2000+ journals, 98% of which are peer-reviewedJournal articlesBook chaptersBooksDissertationsTechnical reports Content is provided by the following organizations: American Psychological AssociationAPA Educational Publishing FoundationCanadian Psychological AssociationHogrefe Publishing Group.

Novelist K-8 Tutorial (Kaley) Exploring LGBTQ+ Source (Laura) How to use EBSCO Host's database for LGBTQ+ studies What is LGBTQ+ Source?

Exploring LGBTQ+ Source (Laura)

LGBTQ+ Source is a major database for LGBTQ+ and gender studies hosted by EBSCO. This database is best for academic researchers looking for the latest scholarly and popular publications about LGBTQ+ studies. This could be college students, Womens & Gender studies majors, graduate students, or even professor of Gender Studies courses! Points of View Reference Center (Lauren M.) Find More With JSTOR (Lauren R.) A database learning guide for high school students What is JSTOR?

Find More With JSTOR (Lauren R.)

JSTOR is a digital library for academic journals, books, and primary sourcesThere are archives of journals, as well as current issues availableJSTOR also has searchable media in the form of images, illustrations, and musical notations JSTOR was originally founded in 1995 by the president of Princeton University, and received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. JSTOR remained as an independent, non-profit organization until 2009, when it was merged with ITHAKA. Who Should Use It? Genderwatch (Melaina) Britannica School (Rachel) WeLcome To the library, Middle Schoolers!

Britannica School (Rachel)

Your library has so much to offer in the way of resources. For your inquiry project, you will need to use a variety or materials to support your arguments. This library has plenty of books, magazines, and newspapers...but that's not all! We also provide a number of different databases that will help you to find a variety of resources like primary sources and articles. Let's begin with Britannica School. Literary Reference Center (Riley) The HistoryMakers Digital Archive (Rosiris) Why was it established?

The HistoryMakers Digital Archive (Rosiris)

Since 1999, The HistoryMakers has been recording African American oral histories to refashion a more inclusive record of American history and to educate and enlighten millions worldwide. This database was established to educate and show the breadth and depth of the accomplishments of individual African Americans across a variety of disciplines. How was it founded? Before The HistoryMakers was founded there was only one large-scale methodic attempt during the 20th century to capture African American history from a first-person perspective – the WPA Slave Narratives, housed at the Library of Congress.

However, nearly a century of African American achievements and struggles had gone undocumented before the 2000s, It was then that Julieanna L. Their Mission: Naxos Music Library Database (Vincent)