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La pub online est une industrie complexe. Craigslist Founder Craig Newmark on the Customer and Social Business. Craig Newmark is famous for his list. That would be Craigslist. What I find interesting about Craigslist is its utilitarian aspect. The homepage is an overwhelming list of bright blue words on a drab gray background. It’s not “pretty” nor will you find shiny bells and whistles on the site. But it has absolutely changed the way we search for products, services and offer products, services. The Customer is Top Priority Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, has an estimated net worth of more than US$ 1 billion, but still chooses to work in customer service at his company.

Stories like this restore our faith in business, and most importantly customer service. Craig is engaged with his users to say the least. While Craigslist has received a lot of flack for prostitution scandals the site is still the gold standard for connecting people — there will always be a handful of users who abuse a social business site like Craigslist. Social Business at SOCAP President of SOCAP, Matthew D’Uva told me, Community Manager, qui es-tu ? Interview #12 | LE MARKETING SUR LE WEB. Depuis quelques temps, j’avais vraiment envie de recueillir le témoignage du community manager d’un « gros » site e-commerce spécialisé.

J’ai la chance de recevoir aujourd’hui Cédric Pitiot, community manager pour Leroy Merlin. Issue d’une formation centrée presse écrite, Cédric souhaitait initialement devenir journaliste mais une bonne opportunité en community management s’est présentée. Etonnant ? Pas tant que ça… Comment Cédric rédige les conseils pour les amateurs de bricolage ? - Qui es-tu ? Je suis originaire de la région stéphanoise. À la fin de mes études, je suis parti m’installer dans le Nord, à Lille et j’ai eu beaucoup de mal à trouver du travail : pas de réseau, pas d’expérience de la recherche d’emploi et, surtout, des places très, très rares. Au départ, je ciblais plutôt la communication institutionnelle et la presse papier et je me suis retrouvé un temps manœuvre sur les chantiers ! - Pourquoi et comment es tu devenu Community Manager ? - Quelles difficultés rencontres-tu ? Top 10 Customer Service Trends for 2011.

2010 certainly was a watershed year for custo- wait. 2010? That’s so last year! Next! What we want to know is what’s going to happen in 2011. And since the new year is already three days old, there’s no time to waste! Social media will play a bigger role. Auchan va lancer un Second Life dédié au shopping social - Journal du Net > e-Business.

How 7 Startups Are Building Their Online Communities. This post originally appeared on, a world leader in managed DNS, powering the best brands on the web including Gowalla, Mashable, Twitter, Wikia and more. Follow @DynInc on Twitter. Community management is anything but a science. But, more and more startups are figuring out early on that defining what "community" means to their business, and then working to incorporate and respond to that community is an essential element in their growth and the maturation of their products. What follows is an in-depth look at how seven startups at various stages of development are approaching community management. For some, the in-house Community Manager is a must.

For others, it's a bit of an all-hands-on-deck approach. Regardless of technique, you'll find that each of these startups uses a combination of support software and social media tools to ensure that even if the customer isn't always right, the customer is always heard. 1. Community building is extremely important at Pandora. 2. 3. 4. Very Good Service: Companies Recognised for Good Customer Service. Ikea To Launch Customer to Customer (C2C) Activities In Sweden. Customer to customer activities is a lucrative activity on line. Ebay has experienced a huge success thanks to its activities. Priceminister in France is also doing good with a similar concept. Facing this success retailers which sales are dropping are looking after this main consumer trend. In France, leading electronics and cultural products retailer Fnac has launched its second video game sales activities. Ikea has launched a new website reporting classified ads for Ikea products. Peter Agnefäll explained that the reason which led to this decision is to make sure their products are used in a sustainable way on the long run.

Instead of blinding themselves, Ikea aknowledge that a secondary market exists where products are traded. CRM Daily | Turning To Twitter To Resolve Restaurant Complaints. 16 social media guidelines used by real companies. In a post I wrote called the A-Z of social media for brands I decided that P stands for Policy. I'm not one for too many rules and regulations, but it is a good idea to define some clear guidelines to help staff (especially novices) to do the right thing.

So let’s take a look at some real world social media policies and guidelines as used by companies. Zappos does a great job of summing it up in seven words, but the detail is also important and there are some fine suggestions here... Don't pick fights, be the first to correct your own mistakes, and don't alter previous posts without indicating that you have done so. Try to add value.

Speak in the first person. With conversations, participate online. With moderation, only police where we have to. Tone of voice. Always pause and think before posting. Perception is reality. It's a conversation. Be external. Post frequently. Be careful when sharing information about yourself or others. Be engaged and be informed. Four luxury brands that lead the pack in social media innovation | Social media agency London | FreshNetworks blog.

2010 has seen a marked increase in luxury brands using social media and innovating with it. This is one of the findings in the latest L2 Luxury Digital IQ Index – research led by Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing, NYU Stern. The report shows how luxury brands have really pushed their use of social media in 2010, realizing that the benefits for them come from not just having a social media presence but also from engaging people in social media and online communities. The report takes an analytical approach to the use of social media in an attempt to quantify the digital competence of 72 leading global luxury brands. The ranking highlights some interesting observations – watch and jewelery brands on a whole perform relatively poorly, and a lack of investment in digital has seen brands such as Prada and Dior punch below their weight in the use of social media across their business. 1.

Coach 2. 3. 4. Also, Jimmy Choo is noted in the report for its ongoing engagement in social media. Starbuck's new logo campain. Citoyens ! On se revoit encore les brillants commentateurs du Social Media crier victoire quand Gap a tenté de changer son logo. La victoire de l’homme du PMU du riche (à savoir Twitter) contre la marque qui n’aurait rien compris aux attentes des consommateurs. Un peu comme quand on se croit faire la guerre en Iran depuis son petit PC bien au chaud en France. Un regain jouissif : frénétiquement faire partie d’un “mouvement”. Par la grâce des coups de statuts permanents. Damn it. N’empêche que GAP a au pire réussi à apparaitre comme une marque molle : à force de céder aux sirènes des suivis, on se retrouve dans la place du suiveur.N’empêche que GAP a peut être joué avec le feu afin de générer de l’attention pour monter en puissance avant une date clé pour la marque en 2013 : générer un quart de son business via le e-commerce.

Bis repetita ces derniers jours avec Starbucks qui se met à changer son logo. En conclusion, je cite cet internaute sur la fan page de Starbucks : Chapeau bas.